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Acts 28 Dispensationalism takes its name from the belief that only Paul's prison and Pastoral epistles, which were written after Acts chapter 28, apply directly to the church in this present dispensation of grace. But like the mid-Acts Dispensationalists, Acts 28 Dispensationalists also agree that believers must not forsake the rest of the Bible, because all scripture is written for our admonition and learning (1 Cor. 10:11, 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet. 1:20). However, since the Acts 28 viewpoint teaches that Paul was a minister of the New Covenant during the Acts period, Acts 28 Dispensationalists also believe the heavenly inheritance of the present church was not revealed until after Paul wrote his Acts epistles.
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Truth for Today - Promotes the writings and teachings of Oscar Baker. Purchase dispensational books and booklets online including Dr. Bullinger's Companion Bible. Berean Bible Studies - Alphabetized list of dispensational Bible studies. Berean Truth - Contains many Biblical studies from the Acts 28 dispensational perspective. Features audios and writings of Charles Welch and others. The Open Bible Trust - Purchase books and download studies by Michael Penny and other Acts 28 teachers, or subscribe to their Bible study magazine "Search" through their web site. Grace Panorama - Possibly the only Scandinavian (Norway) Acts 28:28 site in two languages (English and Norwegian), Jan Lilleby exposes heresies like Word-Faith, and has links to Charles Welch material. Levend Water - A Dutch web site promoting the works of Charles H. Welch, Dr. E.W. Bullinger, etc. Contains 198 appendixes of Dr. Bullinger's Companion Bible in English. Berean Publishing Trust - From England, the originating Trust of Charles Welch that continues to promote his teachings. One may purchase a yearly subscription of their Bible study magazine through this web site. Bible Explorations Online - Offering downloadable online Bible studies and free Acts 28 Dispensational Bible studies, sent world-wide to a subscriber's home address. Spiritual Blessings Magazine - From Australia, receive free dispensational Bible studies distributed world-wide or through email subscriptions. Plainer Words - Holds the unique view that Christ rules over the earth from His Throne in the heavens 600 to 700 hundred years before He returns to earth at His coming. Seven Characteristics of the Mystery - Its sphere of blessing, its constitution, and its hope are unique, and neither the promise to Abraham, nor the characteristics of the Pentecostal church belong in any way to this new calling. Charles H. Welch - Renowned Acts 28 dispensationalist. Download over 500 audios and writings of over 60 books and booklets. Included are "In Heavenly Places" and more than 48 volumes of ‘The Berean Expositor’ and 10 volumes of ‘The Alphabetical Analysis’. The Nature and Destiny of Man - Exhaustive list of studies related to man's destiny after death. Included are: "Hell: Torment of Annihilation" and "Facts Concerning Death and the Believer." Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - Dispensational writings by Joyce Pollard. Includes a message board. Maranatha Bible Society - Acts 28 KJV only web site. Acts 28 Links - Acts 28 Dispensational sites from The Dispensational Berean
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