Dispensationalism is the belief that God has dispensed revelation and stewardship to man via dispensations. While there is no formalized classification structure with exacting definitions, most dispensationalists believe in some or all of seven dispensations, commonly known as innocence, conscience, human government, promise, law, grace, and kingdom; although a few dispensationalists may recognize more than seven, and some only acknowledge three or four dispensations. Dispensationalists also vary in beliefs as to whether each dispensation has a rigid time frame know as an "age", or whether they vary based on possession or non possession of specific revelations, such as the Law of Moses or the New Testament Gospels. Thus some believe different dispensations can coexist, while others do not. One of the basic tenets of dispensationalism is a belief in premillennialism. All dispensationalists are premillennial, and teach that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to establish His Kingdom at the start of His thousand-year reign, as mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6. Most dispensationalists believe in a pre-trib "rapture", which is the teaching that the church will be taken up to meet the Lord in the air prior to the tribulation. Some also distinguish the "rapture" of 1 Thes. 4:16-17 from the resurrection of the dead mentioned in Phil. 3:11, known as the "out-resurrection". A few dispensationalists believe in a pre-wrath, post-trib "rapture". These dispensationalists teach that the "rapture" will occur in the middle of the tribulation, after Satan has poured his wrath upon the earth, but before the Lord pours His Own wrath upon the earth. This point in time is seen as the beginning of the day of the Lord, prior to the second half of the seventieth week mentioned in Daniel 9:24-27.