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The issues raised by modern science and technology
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Fathom - Interactive knowledge organization, combining major world wide universities who manage this searchable database. Project is presently launching. Government Technology - News, publications, conferences, and case studies about using technology in state and local government. Scientists For Global Responsibility - Explores the ethical dimension of scientific research and technology: ethical controversies, global energy and resource issues, alternative technologies, and global population and consumption. The Impact Of Technology - How the second Industrial Revolution ( miniaturisation and artificial intelligence) is relentlessly stagnating and impoverishing our community. The Loka Institute - Non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology. Africa in a High-Technology Millennium - British Broadcasting Corporation interviews Nigerian computer and Internet pioneer, Philip Emeagwali, on what science and technology can do for Africa in the Information Age. Potomac Institute - A not-for-profit public policy research institute located in Arlington, Virginia and focusing on key science and technology issues facing society. Information Policy - Provides daily news about information policy in the world. Categories include governance, e-learning and education, technology, and research.
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