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Sites pertaining to pasture management, feed programs, and nutritional advice.
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Forage and Rotational Grazing Links - Extensive list of publications for those establishing and/or managing pasture or forage. Case's Agworld - Grazing groups, hay for sale, pasture for lease. Extensive list of forage and rotational grazing links. Dealing With High Hay Prices - High hay prices are a major consideration for sheep producers. Unless one can find hay that is reasonable in price, the only option in reducing hay cost is to feed less hay. Strategies to achieve this goal will be discussed. Purdue University's Forage Information Web Site - This site contains information on forages for the Midwestern U.S. It contains a section on forage plant identification, complete with photos. Feeding the Ewe Flock - What and how much should I feed my sheep? That is a question that is asked quite regularly. The correct answer is: it depends. Nutritional Effects on Sheep Health - Prevention and treatment of diseases commonly associated with nutritional imbalances. Feeding the Lamb Crop - There are a number of ways to grow and finish lambs. The type of feeding program will depend in large part on what area of the country one is located, what type of production system is utilized, what the marketing options are and, of course, what feed resources are available. Artificial Rearing of Lambs - Feeds, feeding and what can go wrong when are orphaned lambs or when prolific ewes have too many lambs for the milking ability of the natural mother. Sheep Feeding Programs: Forage and Feed Analysis - Provides information on choosing the nutrients to be measured and the taking of samples. Feed Hay First - Discussion of when hay should be fed in relation to when the grain ration is fed and why the order is important. Chronic Copper Poisoning - Answers the question of why chronic copper poisoning (CCP) occurs. Feeding Ewes(PDF) - Needs, options, budgeting. Selecting the Right Grain Ration for Sheep - Short discussion regarding the risks of copper toxicity encountered when using grain rations not prepared specifically for sheep. Prime Facts: Creep Feeding Lambs - Factsheet from the NSW Department of Primary Industries on the benefits of supplementary feed for lambs in times of drought. Supplemental Pastures for Sheep - Efficient and effective ways to pasture sheep are covered here. Includes notes on specific plants. Nutrition of the Ewe Flock - Steps to prevent "empty gut disease" caused by the inadequate supply of nutrients. Formulating Rations With the Pearson's Square (PDF) - The Pearson square or box method of balancing rations is a simple procedure that has been used for many years. It is of greatest value when only two ingredients are to be mixed. Lamb Feedlot Nutrition (PDF) - Meeting protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements is essential for profitable lamb finishing. This publication will help you start your lambs on feed and to develop an effective feeding plan. Urea and NPN for Cattle and Sheep (PDF) - Urea can be fed to ruminants as an economical replacement for a part of the protein in a ration. Feed Composition for Cattle and Sheep (PDF) - Nutrition research spanning more than 100 years has defined the nutrients required by animals. Using this information, rations can be formulated from feeds and ingredients to meet these requirements. Animals fed these rations should not only remain healthy but be productive and efficient.
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