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This category contains sites about various illnesses, conditions and diseases that affect more than one kind of livestock.
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Screw-worm Fly - Serious threat to pastoral industries, occurs in almost all tropical countries except Australia. Its life cycle and potential impact on cattle, sheep, dogs and humans are described. Anthrax - Clinical signs that can be found in sheep, goats, cattle and humans. Includes treatments that are described. NADIS - The National Animal Disease Information Service is a network of 60 veterinary practices and 6 veterinary colleges monitoring the health of cattle, sheep and pigs in the UK. Livestock Diseases - Factsheets from the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Trichinellosis - Information on this disease, where it occurs, its transmission and spread, the public health risk, symptoms in humans, its diagnosis and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. Reportable Diseases, Immediately Notifiable and Annually Notifiable Diseases - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency lists the animal diseases that farmers are required to report. Anthrax - Information on this disease, its transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and the precautions necessary to prevent human infection. Vesicular Stomatitis - Information on this disease, its transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. Rift Valley Fever - Information on this disease, its transmission and spread, its clinical signs, diagnosis and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. FAO: Recognizing Rift Valley Fever - Information on the disease, its geographical distribution, transmission, signs, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Bluetongue - Information on this disease, its transmission, clinical signs and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. Anaplasmosis - Information on this disease of ruminants, its transmission and spread, its clinical signs and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada.
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