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Conditions and diseases affecting cattle.
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Cattle Diseases - Major cattle diseases, their causes, symptoms and treatment. Cattle Diseases - Factsheets form the Florida Extension Service. Cattle Diseases: Brucellosis - Information on this disease caused by the bacterium Brucella abortus. Foot Rot in Beef Cattle - Virginia Cooperative Extension factsheet on this common disease of cattle that can cause severe lameness and decreased weight gain. Bovine Tuberculosis - Information on this disease, its clinical signs, how it is spread and how it is controlled in Canada. Bovine Cysticercosis - Information on this disease, how cattle become infected, the life cycle of the parasite, transmission to humans, clinical signs, diagnosis, control and prevention. Rinderpest - Information on this disease of cattle and buffalo, its transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. Lumpy Skin Disease - Information on this disease of cattle, its transmission and spread, its clinical signs, diagnosis and what is being done to prevent its entry into Canada. Abortion in Cattle - Factsheet from Utah State University Extension. Cattle Diseases - Cattle diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Calf Scours Treatment - Blog about treating and curing calf scours and how to prevent new outbreaks plus how to get healthy calves. This site provides tips and further information about calves Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis - Well argued article discussing the effectiveness on culling badgers and the best way forward to reduce the incidence of bTb. The Impact of Badger Removal on the Control of Tuberculosis in Cattle Herds in Ireland - Results of a study conducted between September 1997 and August 2002.
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