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Implementations of Prolog running on top of the Java Virtual Machine.
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JavaLog - Experimental Prolog interpreter in Java, mixing Logic and OO paradigms. Prolog+CG - Java implementation of Prolog plus the Conceptual Graphs of John Sowa. Object oriented extensions also included. [Open source, LGPL] JLog - A Prolog interpreter, written in Java, that is well suited for educational purposes. It works as both an application and as an applet. tuProlog - A Java-based light-weight Prolog for Internet applications and infrastructures, developed at DEIS - Universitá di Bologna. Released under GNU Library or Lesser General Public License. W-Prolog - This simple interpreter for a Prolog-like language is written in Java. Although not fast the implementation is extremely portable and can be run as an applet under Java-capable web browsers. jProlog - Experimental Prolog to Java compiler, running on JDK 1.0.2 and higher. Prolog4J - A lightweight, easy-to-use programming interface over Prolog interpreters. Prolog4J itself does not contain a Prolog interpreter, but it provides bindings for several Prolog implementations, such as tuProlog, jTrolog or JLog. JIProlog - Java Internet Prolog is a cross-platform, pure Java, 100% Prolog interpreter integrating the Prolog and Java languages, supports most ISO Prolog specifications and the most commonly used built-in predicates, and allows calling Prolog predicates from Java without dealing with native (JNI) code and invoking Java methods from Prolog as predicates.
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