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Prolog is a logic based artificial intelligence language. It differs from Lisp in terms of the execution control which is based on unification and first order logic.
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Logic Programming Associates - This software house supplies WIN-PROLOG, MacProlog32 and Prolog++. PC AI: The Prolog Programming Language - Explanations, links. Prolog for Beginners - A comparison of several Prolog systems from a beginners perspective PiLLoW - Programming in Logic Languages on the Web (PiLLoW) is a public-domain library for developing Web applications using (constraint) logic programming. It constitutes part of the Ciao Prolog development system. OOPWeb - Prolog Directory - Prolog programming tutorial and online book. Simply Logical - Intelligent Reasoning by Example. Techref - Prolog - The Techref page regarding Prolog. Word Prolog meanings. Links. Prolog Resource Guide - The complete FAQs from news:comp.lang.prolog Prolog for Artificial Intelligence - Open Source AI projects in Prolog. Logic Programming 3D Site - The main idea of this Site is 3D (VRML) representation of the World Wide Web. The Site describes the area of logic programming and Prolog. All the information was collected by Actor Prolog agents. Hello, World program - For Prolog. clp(FD) - This constraint logic programming language over Finite Domains (clp(FD)) is based on the wamcc Prolog compiler. Is the ISO Prolog standard taken seriously - article by Roberto Bagnara. Prolog Wikibook - A wiki based book on Prolog. FAQ: Prolog Implementations - Information about Prolog Implementations. JIPL: Java Interface for Prolog - Interface between Java and Prolog through JNI and reflection. Warren's Abstract Machine: A tutorial reconstruction - Online book by Hassan Ait-Kaci. The WAM is an abstract machine tailored to Prolog. It can be realised efficiently on a wide range of hardware, and serves as a target for portable Prolog compilers. Course on Prolog - A concise, example-based introduction to Prolog for people from the humanities. Uses the freely available Prolog+CG to teach programming within a course in knowledge representation using conceptual graphs. Early History of Prolog - Draft of a paper in History of Programming Languages, edited by Thomas J. Bergin and Richard G. Gibson, ACM. Abstract and PDF. Prolog small - Includes an introduction to Prolog, unification, the back-tracking search process, the source code of a Prolog interpreter, example Prolog programs, the logic of Sir Bedevere (Monty Python), and a Java applet that runs Prolog. OO Prolog - This collection of non-commercial links treats Prolog within the context of object- and component-orientation. An introduction to Prolog - A short introduction to Prolog by Michel Loiseleur and Nicolas Vigier. INAP2001 - 14th International Conference of Applications of Prolog. University of Tokyo, Japan, October 20 - 22, 2001. Prolog :- Tutorial - From basics to advanced topics tutorial by J.R.Fisher.
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