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Web pages describing Fortran books.
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F Programming Books - Titles include "Key Features of F", "Programmer's Guide to F", "Algorithms and Data Structures in F and Fortran", "The F Programming Language", and "F Tutorial". Sold by The Fortran Company. Performance Optimization of Numerically Intensive Codes - By Stefan Goedecker and Adolfy Hoisie (SIAM). Discusses the essential ingredients for achieving high performance in numerical computations on modern computers. The authors explain computer architectures, data traffic and issues related to performance of serial and parallel code optimization exemplified by actual programs written for algorithms of wide interest. ARPACK Users' Guide: Solution of Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems with Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Methods - By R. B. Lehoucq, D. C. Sorensen, and C. Yang (SIAM). Describes a Fortran 77 package. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations and their Statistical Analysis - By Bernd A. Berg (World Scientific). Site has description, table of contents, and Fortran 77 code discussed in book. The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations - By Granville Sewell (Wiley). Site has Fortran 90 and Matlab code presented in text. Description and table of contents are at . Computational Methods of Linear Algebra - By Granville Sewell (Wiley). Site has Fortran 90 and Matlab codes described in text. A description and table of contents are at . Unix for Fortran Programmers - By Mike Loukides. Introduces the scientific programmer to the Unix operating system and tools. Assumes some knowledge of Fortran, none of Unix or C. Covers Fortran 77. Site describes book, lists contents, and provides code examples.
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