The fundamental thesis of Kriya Yoga is that we are a miniature version of the whole cosmos, a microcosm - an evolving universe within the macrocosmic world. The all-pervading supreme creator is hiding within us and activating every action through the breath - hence the name kriya; any work "kri," is being done by the power of the indwelling soul "ya." The various cosmic forces controlling ether, air, fire, water, and earth also control the kinds of work, namely, religious activities, relationship, food, progeny, and earning money performed by the human body. Yoga is the means of conjoining this correspondence between microcosm and macrocosm - realizing the truth behind the union of individual self and the Supreme Self. The science of Kriya Yoga has a divine origin and was not created by the human intellect. The modern revival for this ancient meditation method began in 1861 with Lahari Mahasaya who was initiated into Kriya Yoga by Great Deathless Master Babaji, and Kriya Yoga was handed down to the current Kriya lineage of masters directly through the Master-disciple method of teaching. Information about Kriya Yoga.