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There are two main branches of Islam, the Sunni and the Shia. Shia is the smaller branch and consists of 15% of the Muslim population worldwide. Most Shias (known in the west as Twelvers, or Ithnasheris) believe in 12 divinely appointed successors of Prophet Mohammed, but there are significant groups who believe in only 5 or 7 Imams. Shias are in the majority in Iran and Iraq.
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Rafed Network for Cultural Development - Resources on Islam, the Shia and the Ahlul Bayt. Al-Islam - Site which serves as a resource for anyone wanting to learn about Islam, whether you are a non Muslim or a Muslim. Includes a large collection of online books and multimedia resources. Shia Match - Aims to assist Shia Muslims in finding a suitable match for Marriage. Play and Learn - A good collection of articles on Islamic history, Fiqh and scholars. Also has a children's section. Shi'a home page - Site has Articles about Islamic fundamentals, the Imams and important Muslims. Also has a list of Islamic organizations and websites. Scientific and Cultural Institute of Dar al Hadith - Produces publications in the field of hadith in Arabic and Farsi, including books, journals, and software. Includes articles on Shia use of Hadith traditions. [English, Arabic and Farsi] Tafseer Al Mizan - An introduction to, and some chapters of, an exegesis of the Qur'an by Al-Allamah al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn at-Tabataba'i. Also includes articles, and FAQ. Converts to Islam - Offers information on Islam, convert stories, and advice sections for new Muslims. Roshd - Articles on prophethood, resurrection, Imamat, justice and Quran. Multimedia section included. Islam from the inside out - Islam and Islamic issues from a philosophical, esoteric viewpoint - looking from the inside out. Islam for Dummies - Substantial collection of resources on Islam from a Shia perspective, with a strong emphasis on mutual respect between Sunni and Shia. Al Muntazar - E-zine which aims to propagate Islam; includes an archive of previous editions. Revert Muslims Association - An on-line community and resource portal for those new to Islam. Includes a forum, resources about faith and practice, and revert stories. Shi'a Islam - A schematic overview of the Shia tradition, with articles on the main groups.
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