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Arminianism was started by Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609). He was born slightly before John Calvin died and was actually taught by Calvin's son-in-law. He was a Calvinist until one day when forced to defend his beliefs and found that his opponent could more ably defend his views against Calvinism. This caused Arminius to reject his Calvinistic background and “sought to modify Calvinism so that ‘God might not be considered the author of sin, nor man an automation in the hands of God.’”
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Calvinism Arminianism Bible Study - Compares and contrasts Arminianism with Calvinism, from an Arminian point of view. Creed of the Wesleyan Church - Beliefs of this Arminian denomination are outlined with Scriptures provided. Eternal Security: A Biblical Perspective - Examines the biblical, theological, and historical basis for the doctrine of eternal security. Extensive articles, links to other pages, and forums. Arminianism in Wikipedia - Free encyclopedia resource provides good description of Arminianism. Don't Hate Me Because I'm Arminian - An appeal printed in Christianity Today magazine by a modern evangelical theologian. Nazarene Resources - Nazarene university provides links to churches and other resources in this Wesleyan/Arminian denomination. Arminianism vs. Calvinism - Arminianism and Calvinism compared as well as biblical support for the viewpoints of each. The Basics of Arminian Theology - A short history of how Arminianism began and a look at the very basic ideas behind it. ReKnew - Features the teachings of Dr. Greg Boyd. Open theism. "What Is an Arminian?" Answered by John Wesley - Leading theologian explains what the term means. Arminian Theory of Redemption - Article by R. L. Dabney. Grace Online Library: Arminianism - Articles on Arminianism. Theopedia: Arminianism - Article with other resources. Arminian Theology - Blog that discusses Arminian beliefs. Society of Evangelical Arminians - Association of evangelical scholars and laymen who adhere to Arminian theology. Lists many articles, texts, and off site resources. Arminian Perspectives - Blog that discuss the topic of soteriology (study of salvation) within the theological framework of Arminianism.
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