The AC-119 was the third generation gunship, following the AC-47 and the AC-130. It was put in service due to the success of the AC-130, and the unavailability of the necessary C-130 Hercules airframes for gunship conversion. Built on the C-119 "Packet" airframe, two different version were developed. The AC-119G "Shadow" was designed to replace the AC-47 until additional AC-130's could come on line. It had four 7.62mm miniguns. The AC-119K "Stinger" had increased engine power (two jet engines were added), as were two 20mm gatling guns, an improved fire control system, and forward looking infrared radar. Stinger and Shadow took over the bulk of the "troops in contact" missions within South Vietnam, freeing the AC-130 gunships to focus on interdiction missions.