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Light Pollution (also called obtrusive lighting, photopollution and luminous pollution) is not the opposite of heavy pollution, but is pollution caused by the increasing use of urban, and now rural, outdoor lighting which has deemed many countries practically unsuitable for observations using astronomical telescopes. This form of pollution affects the polluter's pocket as well as astronomers; drivers (by dazzling them); neighbours or nearby residents, and wildlife (both plants and animals). People are only just beginning to realise that there is a problem, even though it has been around for half a century now, and has been gradually getting worse and more rural. The sites in this category are helpful to people who are affected by or wish to tackle a lighting problem, or people who wish to help by installing more environmentally-friendly lighting. Good lights are not too bright, and do not blot out the sky; they save energy and give us back something like the dark skies that people enjoyed long ago. The light from the rest of the universe takes hundreds, thousands or millions of years to reach our eyes. What a pity to lose it in the last moments of its journey through a wasteful source of light near you. So, think before you install your next light. (Last two paragraphs adapted from old Campaign for Dark Skies homepage) If you are interested in combating light pollution contact one of the many regional dark-sky (i.e.: anti-light-pollution) groups listed.

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Huachuca Astronomy Club (HAC) - News and information on lighting ordinances in Southeast Arizona. The Fraser Valley Astronomers' Society - A local astronomy site with comprehensive information about the local darksky park including directions; as well as videos on the problem, and information about its effects on health and astronomy. International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) - A non-profit member organization that teaches others how to preserve the night sky through factsheets, law references, pictures, and web resources. Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) - Information on how light pollution affects birds, and what steps must be taken to save the lives of birds by reducing lighting. Sensible and Efficient Lighting to Enhance the Night-time Environment (SELENE), New York - SELENE is working to eliminate inappropriate lighting in New York. Extensive website with facts and information about helping to fight for better lighting legislation in the city. International Astronomical Union Working Group on Light Pollution - Explains how the working group is helping to combat the problem at the moment and how anyone can help. Also includes various links and general information. Conference on the Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting - Comprehensive information about a conference on ecological effects which took place in February 2002 including abstracts and references on the topic. North Carolina IDA (NCIDA) - Includes images, information and local legislation relevant to North Carolina. Hawaiian Astronomical Society: Why You Can't See the Stars - Features links and information on light pollution relevant to Hawaii. Virginia Outdoor Lighting Taskforce (VOLT) - Promotes the use of safe and efficient outdoor lighting. Comprehensive website with everything there is to know on the problem in Virginia and the latest on VOLT's campaign for better lighting ordinances. Atlas of World Light Pollution - A comprehensive atlas of satellite images and artificially created maps of different light pollution measurements covering the globe. Dark Skies for Northern Ireland - Explains the problem in Northern Ireland with photographs; maps of its extent, and information on its effect on residents and crime. Includes a message board, help on installing friendlier lighting fixtures, links and correspondence on regulation with a local MP. University Lowbrow Astronomers: Light Pollution Issues - Information and links relevant to South-East Michigan, United States. Covers local regulation. Pennsylvania Outdoor Lighting Council (POLC) - Comprehensive information on the latest lighting situation in Pennsylvania with pictures, links, and guidance on how anyone can help. Home of Pennsylvanians for an Outdoor Lighting Control Act (POLCA). Verlust der Nacht - An interdisciplinary research project in Germany that considers light pollution from technical, social, ecological, and health perspectives. IYA Lightmeter wiki - Information about the International Year of Astronomy light meter in a wiki format. NOAA DMSP homepage - Provides information about the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, including yearly global light pollution measurement data which can be downloaded Light Pollution Literature - Up to date bibliography of research on light pollution and animal responses to light. Includes links to many journal articles. Illinois Coalition for Responsible Outdoor Lighting - Illinois organization serving to promote responsible outdoor lighting. Includes a very large collection of light pollution links. Understanding, Assessing and Resolving Light-Pollution Problems on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches - Comprehensive report by the Florida Marine Research Institute into the effects on turtles with relevant lighting specifications to be implemented near nesting sites. Sky Quality Protection Technical Office of the Canaries - Includes pictures and animations, and information on full-cut-off lighting, technical specifications, energy efficiency, and other forms of astronomical pollution, as well as the applicable laws in the Canary islands. Soltactics - Soltactics is a commercial site that sells a shuttered skylight. It is designed to close at night to eliminate the light pollution radiated upwards by traditional skylights. Skyglow across the Great Lakes - Four Images of sky glow from both sides of Lake Michigan in the USA. Santa Clara Valley Lighting & Lick Observatory - Offers lighting suggestions for Santa Clara Valley to preserve the observing capabilities of Lick. Includes a primer on light pollution and astronomy. Light Pollution Monitoring Network powered by GADS (Italy) - Provides data taken worldwide with Sky Quality Meters, and contains instructions for users that want to join the network. Midwest Citizens for Responsible Outdoor Lighting - Information about lighting regulations in the Midwest USA, with many links including a very large bibliography of papers related to the biological impact of light at night. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Light Pollution Abatement Program (LPAP) - Describes the program, and contains information about Canadian dark sky parks in both urban and pristine areas. GLOBE at Night - An international citizen scientist project to measure the degree of light pollution all around the world using the human eye. Contains star charts corresponding to different light pollution levels, and allows visitors to download a map of past observations in their area. Dark Sky Finder - An overlay of a light pollution map on the Google map of North America. Also lists hundreds of possible observing sites. Dark Skies Northwest - News, video, slide-shows and images. Includes outdoor lighting codes, mailing list subscriptions, member information and links to further regional information. 9th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky - Videos and abstracts of the scientific presentations from the symposium that took place in Armagh, Ireland in 2009. Loss of the Night App - A citizen science app for Android devices that allows users to estimate the brightness of skyglow by observing which stars are visible. Dark Sky Meter - A citizen science app for iPhone that allows users to measure the brightness of the night sky using the phone's camera. Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice - Comprehensive online UK Government publication outlining the government's policy on the issue. Also a good general introduction to the problem. EU COST Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe) - An interdisciplinary network of European researchers studying artificial light at night. Loss of the Night citizen science project - A blog about the Loss of the Night app. Also occasionally features examples of good and bad lighting from around the world. Del Mar Fans and Lighting Education Center - A commercial lighting site with a detailed primer on light pollution and best practices. Rate Your Skyglow - Visual Observing - A guide for comparing skyglow observations to the Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness. Light Pollution Fact Sheet - A basic fact sheet on light pollution, with terms explained in layman's language. Provided by the Prairie Astronomy Club.
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