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Environmental activism covers a wide range of actions, from writing letters to politicians and corporations, through publicity stunts and banner-waving protests, to direct action like chaining yourself to a tree to prevent a new road. This category should only contain sites that have some details as to "what you can do" politically — action that people can take, or have taken. Background information and arguments about the issues should go in Society: Issues: Environment. Pages about personal living and what you can do to have less impact on the environment should go to: Society: Issues: Environment Consumerism: Activism. (Note: there is one area that has never traditionally been called "activism", and that is conservation work. This is filed under Society: Issues: Environment: Conservation and Endangered Species and, for more scientific conservation research groups, Science: Environment: Biodiversity: Conservation) See also: (very comprehensive guide) Where should I submit my website about animals? Or, where will I find the animal topic I am looking for?
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Treehugger - Weblog dedicated to the green lifestyle. News, reviews, and links. Friends of the Eel River - Has a mission to restore the Eel River and all her tributaries to a natural state of abundance, wild and free. U.S. EPA: Green Communities - Guide for planning and implementing sustainable community actions plans to translate the visions of the future into action oriented items. - Features activist resources and research tools. Provided by an activist's collective in Philadelphia, which trains youth to learn environmental issues and skills by organizing grassroots community projects. WWF - Panda Passport for Environmental Action - Provides tools to campaign on critical environment issues all over the world from climate change to construction projects in protected areas. Free Range Activism - UK site providing information to help people tackle community, environmental and social issues. Save Our Environment Action Center - Take action on environmental campaigns of leading environmental organizations. ENRED: European Network for the recognition of the Ecological Debt - Papers, projects, and general information on ecological debt. PCAP (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants) - A global eco-spiritual movement. Web of Creation - Fosters the movement for a just and sustainable world, from a religious perspective. Offers resources on ecology and religion, including the Green Congregation project and ways to incorporate eco-justice into church services. Union of Concerned Scientists Action Center - Helps citizens take action on policies related to the environment, global warming, nuclear weapons, clean energy, clean vehicles, and biotechnology.
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