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A collection of member states with an rich history of national and individual customs working within a European Union Gevernment makes for an dynamic evolving new society. The dissimination of these new policies combined with national reaction and input necessitates a effecent and broad view reporting on behalf of the member country media.
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Agence Europe - Daily bulletin from the international press agency publishes news about activities of the European Union and its institutions. Paid subscription only. [English, French, German, Italian] SCADplus Database - Updates on most policies and ongoing legislative processes; also hosts an exhaustive database on newspaper and academic articles on EU issues. [various languages] Office for Official Publications of the European Communities - Publisher for the European Union, including the Official Journal of the European Union, provides online services, newsletter, press releases and professional corner. - Directory of EU institutions, federations and non-governmental organisation's, and special reports on EU topics. EU Press Room - News and official press releases from the institutions of the European Union. [English, French, German] EUbusiness - Business news and information about the European Union, updated daily. EUobserver - Independent news source published in co-operation with the Group for a Europe of Democracies and Diversities in the European Parliament. The Bulletin of the European Union - Gives an account of the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. 10 issues per year. European Voice - Economist Group publication providing news, analysis and comment about the EU and European affairs. Includes special reports, diary, events, policies and profiles. The Parliament - Magazine covering the politics, policies and people of the EU Parliament. Includes research review, regional review, interviews, awards, events and free email bulletins. Guardian - European Union - Ongoing coverage focuses on the political issues with the EU and the UK. Includes news, comment and analysis plus speeches, official texts, audio clips and web resources. EUobserver - Independent daily online newspaper providing news from around the European Union and from EU Institutions.
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