Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Includes news, events, platform, and directory of elected officials.
Emerge Wisconsin - Identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Provides intensive, cohort-based seven-month training program.
Wisconsin Assembly Democrats - Official campaign branch provides news and information about members and candidates, events, and how to get involved.
Organizing for Action - Wisconsin - State branch of the political network for Democratic activists. Includes events, photos and videos.
3rd Congressional District Democratic Party of Wisconsin - News and information about Democratic candidates, elected officials and events for the area and Wisconsin. Encompasses all of Buffalo, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Grant, Iowa, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Richland, St. Croix, Trempealeau and Vernon counties as well as parts of Clark and Sauk.
Young Democrats of Wisconsin - News and information for under-36 Democrats about chapters, candidates, issues, elected officials and events.
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