Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho lands opened to settlement in the Land Run of April 19, 1892, this area was settled originally in 1886, when a white man named John M. Seger and 500 Indians left the old Cheyenne-Arapaho Agency at Darlington, near El Reno, and established a colony on the banks of Cobb Creek. This settlement was on the site of present-day Colony in eastern Washita County. Designated as County "H," it was named after the Washita River, and is derived from two Choctaw words meaning "big hunt." Washita County has ranked as one of Oklahoma's leading agricultural counties and later the Anadarko Basin made it famous for oil and gas production. During World War II, a U.S. Naval Air Station was established at Burns Flat. Closed after the war, the base was reopened in 1959 as the Clinton-Sherman Air Force Base. Many of its squadrons flew missions over Vietnam in the 1960s before the base was closed on December 31, 1969. It has since become the Clinton-Sherman Airport, and is used by planes from Altus AFB for practice landings and takeoffs. Events include the Cheyenne-Arapahoe Celebration on April 16 every five years, the Cordell Arts and Crafts Show in September, and the Cordell Pumpkin Festival in October. Location: Washita County is in western Oklahoma. Climate: The average precipitation is 30.6 inches yearly in this area. January's average temperature is 41.4 and July's average is 80.2. County Seat: New Cordell Distances: New Cordell to: Altus - 56 miles; Lawton - 77 miles and Oklahoma City - 93 miles. Land Area: 1,009 square miles of level plains and rolling hills in the south