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US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District - Mississippi River navigation charts, recreation information, news, projects, water control information, employment opportunities, permits, contracting, and bid solicitations. Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts - Minnesota's 43 watershed districts are partners with MAWD in water protection and management. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - Contains information about Minnesota's environmental health, pollution control and prevention, hazardous and solid waste management and cleanup, and environmental regulations. Combined with the Office of Environmental Assistance. Red River Watershed Management Board - Contact information, basic information on watershed districts in northwestern Minnesota, links. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources - State agency dedicated to helping local governments manage natural resources. News, contact information for all field offices, information on programs and services. Mississippi Headwaters Board - A joint powers board of the first eight counties on the Mississippi River. MHB is organized to protect and preserve the natural, cultural, scenic, scientific and recreational values of the river's first 400 miles. Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts - Non-profit organization representing Minnesota's 91 soil and water conservation districts. Newsletter, calendar of events, information on annual convention. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Charged with management of the state's natural resources to attain sustainability. Oversees the state parks and trails systems. Regulates hunting, fishing, use of state forests. Interagency Information Cooperative - A partnership between county, state, and federal agencies, created by the Sustainable Forest Resources Act of 1995, enhancing the access and use of forest resources data in Minnesota. Background, members, information on biodiversity, urban forestry, land use. Minnesota Forest Resources Council - The Sustainable Forest Resources Act of 1995 provides a legislative mandate to form the MFRC. The Act stemmed from the Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) on Timber Harvesting and Forest Management in Minnesota.
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