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Includes maps, photographs, illustrations, webcams or any type of visual representation of British Columbia.
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The Pacific Northwest in Pictures - A gallery of photographs of the northwest and close ups plus wildlife photography. Offers photos, descriptions and list of camera equipment used. Travel British Columbia - Download regional and provincial maps. Includes a road distance calculator. Maps of BC - Ministry of Transportation - Provincial and regional maps of highways and communities. British Columbia - Collection of provincial, regional, and local maps. GeoBC Gateway - Provincial geographic information and services including aerial photography, survey control networks, digital base mapping, place names, and other geographically-referenced data in British Columbia. Community Mapping Network - CMN helps communities map sensitive habitats and species distributions in British Columbia and Canada. BC Stats: Population Section - Geography and Mapping - Collection of maps in both GIF and PDF format highlighting regional districts, development regions, municipalities, school districts, electoral districts, population growth, and ethnic demographics. MileByMile - British Columbia Highways - Offers road map guides. Includes FAQs, photos, and news. Terrain and Soil Map Library - Ministry of Energy and Mines - Raw downloadable data for BC geology maps including overlay of localities, regional districts, first nations territories, parks, terrains, and mineral layers.
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