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Resources for professionals involved in providing health care in the UK. The resources listed here are intended to provide information, training or support for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, and other professions allied to medicine (PAMs) who practice in the UK.
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Intute - A collection of assessed Internet resources in medicine and related sciences. Includes a database with search facilities. - A medical portal for healthcare professionals on the Internet. Access specialty sites, databases, journals, online textbooks, organisations, and jobs. MIMS online - Free clinical prescribing guidance and patient information. Password protected access to drug information. South Devon Health Libraries - Provides access to databases, patient information leaflets, local and national guidelines and useful links. Some parts are password restricted. Carers Trust - Information, advice and support for carers. The Trust's has network of approximately a hundred Carers Centres in the UK. Wessex Deanery - Postgraduate Medical and Dental education in the Wessex area. Doctors Net UK - Access restricted to GMC registered doctors. Medical databases, pharmaceutical/drug index, medical articles, forums. Free E-mail service available. Minor Illness Forum - Website designed to share experience of managing minor illness in Primary Care - particularly the role of practice nurses. Specialist Info - Directory of Hospitals, Trusts and Specialists in the UK. Binley's - Publisher of databases on healthcare professionals, and their managemnent responsibilities within the NHS, including medical dictionaries, GP practices, hospital doctors, local government and retail pharmacists. OnMedica - Password restricted Internet portal designed for doctors. Free accredited educational courses, information and forums. University of York: Health Economic Resources on the Internet - A range of links relevant to those working in the field of health economics. Public Health Observatories - Umbrella site for the eight Public Health Observatories, set up by the Department of Health, to provide knowledge, information and surveillance in public health. Toxbase - Online database of the National Poisons Information Service. Access restricted to registered users, such as general practitioners and hospital departments. Sullivan Cuff Software Ltd. - Specializing in Warfarin dosing software for anticoagulation clinics in both primary and secondary care. Includes program information and links to related resources. Healthcare Today - Health news articles and stories from the NHS in the UK and healthcare news around the world. Pulse - Providing medical news, medical education and general practice resources to GPs and primary care staff.
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