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Armenian Genocide - Website dedicated to Armenian genocide of 1915. Includes news, articles, photos, and references to other web resources. Institute for Armenian Studies - An institute headquartered in Munich, Germany whose purpose is to study Armenia's problems and future through publications and through the fostering of understanding between peoples. Hrant Dink Memorial - A site dedicated to the memory of Armenian editor, journalist and columnist Hrant Dink. Armenology Research National Center - Offers published and unpublished material related to Armenia and the Armenians on a variety of topics, including literature, history, art, philosophy, and religion. Mousa Ler - Includes a photo archive. Various resources about the past of Armenians and Mousa Dagh in particular where a battle for survival took place during the genocide. History of Armenia - Complete history of Armenia, illustrated with maps and other information. Armenian History - Offers illustrated articles, as well as a glossary of terms, by Yuri Babayan. - Comprehensive Armenian history by Smbat Minasyan, including maps, demographics, biographies, and author's profile. The Armenian Genocide - PBS Documentary - PBS documentary by Andrew Goldberg telling the story of the first Genocide of the 20th century, when over a million Armenians died at the hands of the Ottoman Turks during World War I. Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve - Features information about Arin Berd, Karmir Blur, and Shengavit settlements. Houshamadyan - A project to reconstruct Ottoman Armenian town and village life. Djulfa Virtual Memorial and Museum - Website documenting the deliberate destruction of the largest medieval Armenian cemetery at Djulfa (Old Jugha, Julfa, Culfa) in the exclave of Nakhichevan (Naxçıvan), Republic of Azerbaijan. Bazmavep Journal - Official journal of the Mechitarist Congregation published by the Armenian Academy of San Lazzaro. Offers scholarly discourses about historical, philological, ecclesiastical, linguistic and literary topics. Armenian Genocide Losses - Website outlines Armenian genocide losses, in the belief that better understanding the extent of the harm will help find a way forward.
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