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This category contains sites pertaining to the keeping of the Sand Boa as a pet. This includes care sheets, advice, photos and anecdotes from Sand Boa owners, and other information of use to people who own, or want to own, a Sand Boa. For the purposes of this category, the following species are considered Sand Boas: East African Sand Boa - E. colubrinus (includes the "Egyptian" and "Kenyan" Sand Boas) Rough-scaled Sand Boa - E. conicus Rough-scaled Sand Boa - E. c. conicus Sri Lankan Sand Boa - E. c. brevis Elegant Sand Boa - E. elegans Spotted Sand Boa - E. jaculus Arabian Sand Boa - E. jayakari Indian Sand Boa - E. johnii Indian Sand Boa - E. j. johnii Baluchistan Sand Boa - E. j. persicus Desert Sand Boa - E. miliaris (including the "Black" Sand Boa - E. "nogaiorum") West African Sand Boa - E. muelleri "Somali" Sand Boa - E. somalicus Tartar Sand Boa - E. tataricus "Tartar" Sand Boa - E. t. tataricus "Tadzhik" Sand Boa - E. t. speciosus "Eastern" Sand Boa-E. t. vittatus Sites pertaining to other breeds of boids (Pythons and Boas) should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes: Boas and Pythons. Sites pertaining to non-boids should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes. Sales pages (as opposed to care and breed information pages) belonging to breeders should be placed under Recreation: Pets: Herp: Breeders and Dealers.
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The Sand Boa Page - Information about Sand Boas and other Erycine snakes.
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