This category contains sites pertaining to the keeping of Children's Pythons and related species as pets. This includes care sheets, advice, photos and anecdotes from owners, and other information of use to people who own, or want to own, a Children's Python or related snake. For the purposes of this category, "Children's Python and related species" includes the following Australian snakes: -- Children's Python (Antaresia childreni, was Bothrochilus childreni and Liasis childreni) -- Spotted Python (Antaresia maculosa, was Liasis maculosus and Bothrochilus maculosus) -- Stimson's Python or Large Blotch Python (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni or Antaresia stimsoni orientalis, was Bothrochilus stimsoni) -- Ant-Hill Python, aka Western Children's Python, aka Pygmy Python (Liasis perthensis, was Bothrochilus perthensis) Sites pertaining to other breeds of boids (Pythons and Boas) should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes: Boas and Pythons. Sites pertaining to non-boids should be placed in the appropriate subcategory under Pets: Herp: Reptiles: Snakes. Sales pages (as opposed to care and breed information pages) belonging to breeders should be placed under Recreation: Pets: Herp: Breeders and Dealers.