Pointers, believed to be from Spain, were originally known as Spanish Pointers. These were a heavier-bodied dog than the Pointer we know today. These dogs appeared in Britain at the end of the War of Spanish Succession (1713), with British Army Officers bringing them back after the signing of the Peace of Utrect. Italian Pointers, which resembled the French Braque were introduced into England and crossed with the Spanish Pointer, producing the Pointer as we know it today. Pointers in America can be traced to the Civil War period and were probably brought to the new world by their masters. Considered one of the "flashiest" dogs in the Sporting (or Gundog)Group, the Pointer comes in several coat colors: liver (brown), black, orange or lemon (orange dogs have tan-ish markings with black noses and eye rims, lemons can have the same coat coloring but have flesh-colored noses and eyerims) with a white body color or solid colored. Tri-colored Pointers are seen less frequently. Unlike other short-coated pointing breeds, the Pointer has a long tail (not "docked" or cut shorter). As far as typical temperament, most Pointer breeders and owners will tell you that Pointers do not like to consider themselves dogs, but rather one of the family!