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Declawing cats involves the surgical removal of the last joint of the toes. Whether or not this is a humane or even necessary practice is hotly debated.
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Soft Paws: Alternative to Declawing - Vinyl caps that glue to a cat's claws to protect against scratching. Amby's Declawing Cats: Issues & Alternatives - Medical, ethical, and behavioral issues, alternatives, and links. Educate Don't Amputate - A collection of articles about declawing, photographs of the surgery, webring, message board, and mailing list. Declawing: What You Need to Know - Information to educate you in your decision to declaw your cat with a list of countries in which declawing cats is either illegal or considered extremely inhumane. The Facts About Declawing - Explains onychectomy(declawing) in detail including physical, psychological and behavioral complications. I Love Cats: Declawing - An insight into declawing and why cats scratch. Also how to train a kitten towards acceptable scratching surfaces. Declawing: The Facts and Alternatives - Describes why claws are important, the declaw surgery procedure including tendonectomy surgery, behavioral and physical consequences and gives alternatives to declawing. BBC NEWS: Hollywood Cats to Regain Clawing Rights - Councillors in West Hollywood vote in favour of a ban on de-clawing cats, saying that the practice is painful and cruel. The Paw Project - Based in California. Explains the effect of declawing on both domestic and on large cats, provides advice and information on alternate methods to prevent cats from scratching items, project donation information. Cat - Information from a veterinarian on how to solve scratching problems without declawing. Veterinarians Who Do Not Declaw - List of veterinarians in the U.S. and Canada who refuse to declaw or who declaw only under extreme duress. De-clawing - Information about the effects of declawing and links to additional information. CatsInfo: Facts Behind Declawing Your Cat - Facts about declawing and alternatives to declawing your cat. California Anti-Declawing Bill - Legislation to ban declawing cats in California. Declawing: Disclose and Wait - Information about the procedure and the consequences of declawing cats. Safe Pet Products: Soft Paws Nail Caps for Cats - Soft nail caps that take care of problem scratching without having to declaw. Includes instructions and size chart. What About Declawing? - An opinion about declawing cats by Glenda Moore with related links.
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