Zebra Finches originate from Australia. Zebras live in open grasslands with some bushes and trees. They live in dry areas over most of Australia. They live in groups and eat mostly grass seeds. They build their nests in bushes out of grass, straw, feathers and anything else they can find. They lay 3-6 eggs and both parents participate in raising the young. The currently accepted taxonomic nomenclature for the Zebra is Taeniopygia guttata castanotis. The normal male bird has a gray upper body and wings. The belly is white. The beak and legs are a red-orange color. On each side of the head is a cheek patch. There is a 'tear drop' mark under the eye. This is a brown/tan/fawn color commonly called orange. The flanks/sides of the bird just below the wings, is a chestnut (orange) colored area with white dots. The chest is black and white stripped like a zebra, hence the name zebra finch. The female also has a gray upper body and wings with a white belly. The beak and legs are the same red-orange color but not as deep color, but lighter. She has a black 'tear drop' mark under the eye. The most noticeable differences between males and females are the cheek patches and the chest striping.