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Weblogs of individuals (not businesses) covering personal life as related to managing money, planning for retirement, etc.
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Neville's Financial Blog - Documenting one man's efforts to financial success from the age of 22. Consumerism Commentary - A blog about personal finance. I Will Teach You To Be Rich - A blog on personal finance and entrepreneurship. Everybody Loves Your Money - Personal finance discussions, news, humor and information. AL6400 Blog - Thoughts and insights revolving around issues dealing with business, making money and financial management. Finance For Youth - Personal finance strategies targeted towards young adults and teens. My Money Blog - Chronicles author's journey and his goal of becoming a millionaire. A Penny Saved - A personal finance weblog that talks about saving, spending, investing and wealth a penny at a time. Get Rich Slowly - Weblog covers frugality, saving and investing, and other aspects of money management. Personal Finance Advice - Weblog about all aspects of personal finance by several contributors with various perspectives. Not Made Of Money - A husband and wife weblog about their finances. The Sun’s Financial Diary - A personal finance weblog for saving, investing, budgeting, financial planning, and living frugally. Blogging Away Debt - Personal weblog about the path to becoming debt free. AllFinancialMatters - A personal finance weblog discussing a wide range of topics. PT Money - A personal finance blog covering topics including savings, debt reduction, investing and making money. One Mom, Five Kids - Stay At Home Mom with 5 kids loves saving money using coupons, rebates, stockpiling and many other money saving tactics. The Digerati Life - A personal finance blog that covers many topics. Out of Debt Again - Chronicling the financial struggles of a family as they strive to make improvements to their financial situation in order to escape from debt, this site provides articles and resources valuable to others in similar situations. My Free Cash - Dedicated to promoting financial responsibility. Provides articles, tips and tricks for saving money, earning income online, and making prudent fiscal choices in day-to-day life. - One man's attempt to accumulate a million dollars by the age of 36 through hard work and diligent personal finance management. Frugal Living Blog - Real world personal examples of frugal meals, ideas and strategies. Ask Uncle Bill - Frank financial advice about managing money and living. Moolanomy - Comprehensive articles that help readers understand personal finance, investing, and wealth building. Good Financial Cents - Helping make sense of personal finance, investing, and financial planning from an expert in the industry (CFP). Man Vs. Debt - Changing your lifestyle and outlook is the true key to getting a grip on your personal finances. See how one man sold his stuff, is paying off his debt, and is now doing what he loves and how you can too. My Dollar Plan - With a focus on retirement planning, financial goals and budgeting you’ll find information on a variety of finance topics based around personal experience. Budgets Are Sexy - A personal finance blog trying to spice things up a bit! Great personal stories as well as practical advice. Personal Dividends - A collaborative weblog with articles on personal finance, money management and lifestyle focusing on the motto "live rich, live well, be informed." Investor Junkie - Blog describing ways to invest and build long-term wealth. Sense to Save - A personal finance blog about common and not-so-common ways to make the most of your money. Cash Money Life - A personal finance and career journal with tips for saving money, investing, and improving one's education and career. Generation X Finance - A personal finance blog helping people earn more, spend less, and retire early. The Dough Roller - A personal finance and investing site that educates consumers on how to manage their money more effectively. Northern Cheapskate - A blog dedicated to helping you save money through coupons, freebies, and money-saving tips. Wise Bread's Top Personal Finance Blog Chart - A ranked list of the top personal finance blogs based on their traffic, social media influence, and link authority. Free From Broke - A personal finance blog that regular folks can understand. Helping people better understand their finances, credit, debt, the economy. Balance Junkie - A blog dealing with the topics of money management, investing and life balance. Helping visitors to balance everything from their money and career to parenting and health. Stupid Cents - A personal finance blog devoted to making sense of seemingly complex yet ultimately simple personal finance dilemmas faced by the average individual or family. Punch Debt in the Face - This personal finance blog offers humorous advice on monetary issues. Thousandaire - Entertaining personal finance, aimed towards young adults and young professionals with blog posts and videos to help America's youth understand money. Narrow Bridge Finance - Dedicated to helping people organize and simplify their financial life to save time, money, and headache. Bible Money Matters - Christian personal finance blog; Topics including investing, retirement, budgeting, debt elimination, saving, frugality, thrift, debt, and lots more! Frugal Confessions - A personal finance blog that offers experiences, tips, and ideas to live the frugal decandent life. Save money, experience life, and share your frugal confessions with a like-minded community. - A personal finance blog focused on frugal living and getting out of debt. Christian Personal Finance - Personal finance website and blog focusing on money management using timeless Biblical principles. Bargaineering - A weblog about personal finance that includes tools to compare prices and interest rates between different options in credit cards, savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Young Cheap Living - A personal finance blog covering topics like debt and frugality. The author claims he saves half of his income and describes himself as a "geek about money". Million Dollar Journey - A weblog by an anonymous man documenting his journey to becoming a millionaire. The author explains how he manages his financial portfolio and what he does to grow his net worth. APR Finder - A personal finance weblog that provides financial calculators and offers advice on mortgages, credit cards, banking, auto loans and debt management. Pennysaver blog - A blog dedicated to helping people to manage their money wisely by providing suggestions on how to save money, earn money, invest, and budget. The goal is to help people to become financially free. Money Help For Christians - A personal blog from a former missionary that talks about finance from Christian perspective. More With Less Today - A blog with money saving tips and coupons. Riches' Corner - A blog that discusses personal finances in the context of entrepreneurship. Stocks and Cents - The personal blog by an American author who works in the finance industry. Faith and Finance - A financial blog that provides a Biblical perspective for personal, business, and church finances. Automatic Finances - This blog claims to offer a step-by-step process for completely automating your personal finances, from saving and investing to budgeting and paying bills. Earth and Money - A Canadian blog discussing the relation of personal finance and living a sustainable, low environmental impact lifestyle.
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