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JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich. Introduced by Netscape is currently the most popular client-side's language of the Web. Is also being used on mobile, desktop environments; and server-side for running high concurrency network applications.
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Mapstraction - Provides a single, common interface for a wide variety of JavaScript map APIs. OpenLayers - An open-source JavaScript library to load, display and render maps from multiple sources. PHP.Jjs - An open source project to port PHP functions to JavaScript. By including the library in projects, PHP functions may be used client-side. The site offers a wiki for support alongside with the downloads. Higher Order JavaScript - Notes by Sean Burke, inspired by "Higher order Perl", that highlight the parallels between JavaScript, Perl, and functional languages. OpenJS - Provides source code, articles and tutorials about JavaScript and related topics like Ajax and client-side scripting. Session variables without cookies - Uses property for storage allowing more complex objects and amount of data than cookies. The JavaScript Source - Tutorials and scripts. Arbor.js - A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery. Sigma.js - Library dedicated to graph drawing. Leaflet - An Open Source JavaScript Library for Mobile Friendly Interactive Maps. Processing.js - A port of the Processing Visualization Language. Wikipedia: JavaScript - Encyclopaedia article about the language. Covers its history, features, syntax, security, tools and criticisms. SLI.js - Allows to a user of a page/site to login or register using their social logins such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, or Linkedin. Khan Academy: Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations - Intro to games and visualizations, making a side scroller: hoppy beaver, making a memory game where the player flip over cards. JavaScript Forum - A popular online dicussion forum. JavaScript - Documentation, reference, guides, examples and tutorials about JavaScript. Kendo UI - Build websites,mobile apps and rich HTML5 data visualizations by using Javascript and HTML5. Emscripten - LLVM to JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bytecode (which can be generated from C/C++ using Clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM bytecode) and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run). Constellation/escodegen - ECMAScript code generator from Parser API. Esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multi-purpose analysis. JSIL - Open source compiler that turns .NET applications, written in C# or VB.NET, into fast readable JavaScript. CanJS - JavaScript library that makes developing complex applications simple and fast. Meteor - Open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time. rmurphey/js-assessment - Set of tests that can be used to assess the skills of a candidate for a JavaScript position, or to improve one's own skills. Object Playground - Guide to object-oriented JavaScript. Boilerplate.js - Reference architecture for large scale JavaScript development. Collection of product engineering patterns and some solid integrations of industry leading JavaScript libraries. Planetary.js - Awesome interactive globes for the web. Learning Three.js - Blog about WebGL and three.js Fabric.js - JavaScript Canvas Library. reddit: JavaScript - Community stories and comments, news, books, articles, tools, libraries, frameworks. Phaser - A free, fast and flexible framework for HTML5 game creation. Cocos2d-x - Cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile gamedev, that is fast and stable, easy to learn and use. Crafty.js - JavaScript Game Engine. LimeJS - HTML5 Game Framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and desktop browsers. Impact - HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript Game Engine. melonJS - A lightweight HTML5 game engine. React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Polymer - Library that uses the latest web technologies to create custom HTML elements. The Extensible Web Manifesto - Manifesto in support of feature development and iteration in JavaScript, followed by implementation in browsers and standardization. - Curried JavaScript functions - What currying means, and just how to go about doing this in JavaScript. douglascrockford/JSON-js - JSON in JavaScript. Oboe.js - A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js is a JavaScript library for Node.js and browsers that speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes. dscape/clarinet - SAX based evented streaming JSON parser in JavaScript. json-sans-eval - A quick JavaScript JSON parser that does not use eval. DOMAssistant - Modular lightweight JavaScript library, with CSS selectors, event handling and AJAX. appendTo Labs - Variety of open source repositories. WebRTC - Open source project aiming to enable the web with Real Time Communication (RTC) capabilities. pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript. Popcorn.js - The HTML5 Media framework. Video.js - Video.js is a JavaScript and CSS library that makes it easier to work with and build on HTML5 video. This is also known as an HTML5 Video Player. kripken/speak.js - Text-to-Speech in JavaScript using eSpeak. bard/mozrepl - MozRepl let program Firefox and other Mozilla-based applications from the inside. StratifiedJS - Modernizes the JavaScript language for use in non-trivial web applications. What Is JavaScript? - A brief history and introduction to the language, covering the implementation and standardization as ECMAScript. Conditioner.js - A javascript library for loading and unloading behavior based on environment conditions. John Resig : JavaScript Micro-Templating - Super-simple templating function that is fast, caches quickly, and is easy to use. John Resig: Pure JavaScript HTML Parser - Pure JavaScript HTML parser. Handles tag, text, and comments with callbacks, XML Serializer, DOM Builder, DOM Document Creator. Cookie Jar: Yummy JSON Cookies (using Prototype) - Store and retrieve JavaScript Objects using cookies. XML.ObjTree - XML source code from/to JavaScript object like E4X. Nicjansma/usertiming.js - Adds UserTiming support to browsers that do not natively support. AutoSuggest - An AJAX auto-complete text field. Marstall/shim - Node.js-based browser-compatibility tool that synchronizes several devices/browsers to surf the same pages simultaneously on all of them. joseph/Monocle - A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library. Head.JS - Load scripts and stylesheets on demand. Achieve responsive design with CSS that targets different screen resolutions, paths, states and browsers. Detect various browsers and their features. Target HTML5 and CSS3 safely. Headroom.js - Headroom.js is a lightweight, pure JS widget for hiding elements until needed. #grid - Inserts a layout grid in web pages, allows to hold it in place, and toggle between displaying it in the foreground or background. Framer - Prototyping tool for animation and interaction on desktop and mobile. Punch - Punch is a simple, intuitive web publishing framework. cujojs/wire - An Inversion of Control Container for Javascript apps, and acts as the Application Composition layer for cujoJS. mark-rolich/RulersGuides.js - Creates Photoshop-like guides and rulers interface on a web page. RoughDraft.js - Prototype a full interactive HTML mock-up without duplicating markup, server-side loops/code, or having to source fake content (lorem ipsum text/images). appendTo() - JavaScript, HTML5, responsive web design, mobile consulting and development for the enterprise. Edit area - Free javascript editor for source code with multilanguage support. iskitz/ajile - Asynchronous JavaScript Importing & Loading Extension. jsclass - A portable, modular JavaScript class library, influenced by the Ruby programming language. It provides a rich set of tools for building object-oriented JavaScript programs, and is designed to run on a wide variety of client- and server-side platforms. In particular, to support the writing of equally portable JavaScript code, it provides a package manager and testing framework that run on all supported platforms. mde/fleegix-js-javascript-toolkit - Poovides a lightweight, cross-browser set of JavaScript tools for building dynamic Web-app UIs. iammerrick/Squire.js - Dependency injector for Require.js users to make mocking dependencies easy. - Coding community for front-end engineers such as web designers, mark-up engineers, and JavaScript engineers. CreateJS - A suite of JavaScript libraries and tools for building rich, interactive experiences with HTML5. Badass JavaScript - A showcase of JavaScript pushing the boundaries of what's possible on the web, by @devongovett. PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy to use physics engine for JavaScript. Vim.js - JavaScript port of Vim. Cubism.js - D3 plugin for visualizing time series. Crossfilter - Fast multidimensional filtering for coordinated views. jQuery Notebook Demo - Plug-in to turn an HTML element into an editable component with minimal UI, and featuring basic tag elements as bold, italic, underline, links and list. Inspired by Medium. amark/theory - Abstraction layer for cross platform JavaScript. VisualSearch.js - Enhances ordinary search boxes with the ability to autocomplete faceted search queries. Specify the facets for completion, along with the completable values for any facet. Can retrieve the search query as a structured object, developer don't have to parse the query string. GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js - HTML5 2D rendering engine that uses WebGL with canvas fallback. Kiwi.js - JavaScript game engine supporting both Canvas and WebGL rendering. Gka/chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations. Recline.js - Library for building data applications in pure JavaScript and HTML, recline re uses best of breed presentation libraries like SlickGrid, leaflet, flot and D3 to create data 'Views' and allows to connect them with data in seconds. Envision.js - Interactive HTML5 canvas and svg visualization library supporting HTML5 finance visualization. Kartograph - Simple and lightweight framework for building interactive map applications without Google Maps or any other mapping service. Vega - Visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving and sharing visualization designs. Modest Maps - Small, extensible, and free library for designers and developers who want to use interactive maps in their own projects. dc.js/dc.js - Multi Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js. Dance.js - Data driven visualization framework. Basically a flavor of Backbone.js, but enriched with some of the ideas of the very popular D3.js visualization framework, a Dance.js dance involves several Performers (views or visualizations) who are performing on screen. View Dance.js comes with its own data manipulation framework, data.js which functions as a replacement for Backbone Model. Highcharts js - Interactive JavaScript charts for web pages. JS Charts - Chart generator that requires little or no coding. PlotKit - Chart and Graph Plotting Library for JavaScript. It has support for HTML Canvas and also SVG via Adobe SVG Viewer and native browser support. jQuery Sparklines - Plugin generates animated sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via JavaScript. Visualize: filamentgroup/jQuery - HTML5 canvas charts driven by HTML table elements. jqPlot - Plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery JavaScript framework. Produces line, bar and pie charts with many features. theiviaxx/MilkChart - Graphing library for MooTools. Canvas 3D Graph - Special type of bar graph that plot numbers in 3D. TufteGraph - Graphs with JavaScript, using jQuery. JSDiff for Comparing Text - Implementing of text comparison in JavaScript, it is used in Mocha to implement colored diffs. Reveal.js - A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. gmaps.js - Allows to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way. Thorax - An opinionated, battle tested Backbone + Handlebars, framework to build large scale web applications. NYTimes/ice.js - Track changes implementation, built in JavaScript, for anything that is contenteditable on the web. Backgrid.js - A set of components for building semantic and easily stylable data grid widgets. PeerJS - Simplifies WebRTC peer to peer data, video, and audio calls. C3.js - D3 based reusable chart library. Underscore.js - Provides 80+ functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, filter, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, JavaScript templating and deep equality testing. basket.js - A simple (proof of concept) script loader that caches scripts with localStorage. Sly - JavaScript library for one directional scrolling with item based navigation support. caolan/async.js - Utility module which provides straight forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for use with Node.js, it can also be used directly in the browser. Foundation - Responsive, front end framework. Bootstrap - Intuitive and powerful mobile first front end framework for faster and easier web development. awayken/BabyLoader - Displays a progress bar for your fetus. HTML5 Boilerplate - Helps build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick start projects with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one package. Mobile Boilerplate - Professional front end template that helps build fast and robust mobile web applications. Select2 - JQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. jQuery IME - Input method editor library supporting more than 135 input methods across more than 62 languages. Maintained by Wikimedia. Marionette.js - A collection of common design and implementation patterns found in the applications that have been build with Backbone, and includes pieces inspired by composite application architectures, event driven architectures and messaging architectures. Candy - A JavaScript based multi user chat client. DcodeIO/ByteBuffer.js - Provides a full featured ByteBuffer implementation using typed arrays. DcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js - Protocol Buffers are a language neutral, platform neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, originally designed at Google. DcodeIO/JustMath.js - An implementation of two dimensional vector math including a rich toolset for vector operations. DcodeIO/Long.js - A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's complement integer value. DcodeIO/colour.js - A cored, fixed, documented and optimized version of the popular colors.js. Can be used as a drop in replacement, also works in the browser, provides a CSS mode and has been compiled through Closure Compiler using advanced optimizations. dcodeIO/PSON - A efficient binary serialization format for JSON. It outperforms JSON, bSON, bJSON and, if used wisely, even protobuf and thrift in encoding size. DcodeIO/btree.js - A ridiculously lean B tree of variable orders in plain JavaScript. DcodeIO/opt.js - Command line options parser. l20n.js - Localization framework. It allows localizers to put small bits of logic into localization resources to codify the grammar of the language. Removes the need for developers to thoroughly understand the specifics of a natural language and provides an opportunity for localizers to create better translations. Tourist.js - Library for creating guided tours, has the ability to control the interface for each step. Has dependency with Backbone and jQuery. Moment.js - Full featured date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. Three.js - A JavaScript 3D Library which makes WebGL simpler. GoJS - Library for implementing interactive diagrams across modern browsers and platforms for HTML5/Canvas. SlidesJS - A responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. DZ - Small library to help manipulate and project 3D data, specially plotting 3 dimensional shapes in D3. Game Mechanic Explorer - Collection of concrete examples for various game mechanics, algorithms, and effects. Implemented in JavaScript using the Phaser game framework. TriplestoreJS - Wrapper library enables web applications to store triples subject-property-value into HTML5 Web Storage. The API looks like an extension of W3C RDFa API. antoniogarrote/rdfstore-js - RDF store with SPARQL support. HTML Encode and Decode with JavaScript - Object to handle encoding and decoding of entities. Encodes to numerical or html entities among other useful functions. mathiasbynens/he - Supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a browser would, has an extensive test suite, and handles astral Unicode symbols. Velocity.js - jQuery plugin that re-implements $.animate() and produces animations with significant better performance (also faster or smother than CSS). harthur/brain - A JavaScript neural network library. ConvNetJS - JavaScript library for training Deep Learning models. Supports classification of data into fixed number of categories, regression into real-valued outputs, formulating Convolutional Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning module based on Deep Q Learning. harthur/clusterfck - K-means and hierarchical clustering. classifier - A Bayesian classifier with backends for Redis and localStorage. NaturalNode/natural - General natural language facility for nodejs. Tokenizing, stemming, classification, phonetics, tf-idf, WordNet, string similarity, and some inflections are supported. Machine Learning in JavaScript - Covering K-nearest-neighbor, k-means clustering, Genetic algorithms, Naive Bayes classifier (Part 1: Document Classification), Sentiment Analysis and Neural networks. By Burak Kanber. Machine.js - A hierarchical state machine to control a JavaScript object. machina.js - A JavaScript framework for highly customizable finite state machines (FSMs). Many of the ideas for machina have been loosely inspired by the Erlang/OTP FSM behaviours. Polymaps - JavaScript library for image- and vector-tiled maps using SVG. Jump JQuery map Plugin - Maps library that works on its own, meaning, it is not a wrapper for OpenLayers or Google Maps API. jQuery UI Map - Google map v3 plugin for jQuery and jQuery Mobile. Simplifies the use by registering custom event instead of having to use Google event for simple events like click on the map and markers. Spatial Unlimited - Blog about Google Maps API v3, GIS, and Jquery Mobile with rich code samples to jump-start learning curves. CSS & jQuery Clickable Map - Free interactive map of forty-seven countries of the European continent, by Winston Wolf. jVectorMap - Provides many maps of the world, world regions, countries and cities for download. Uses native browser technologies like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG or VML. JQVMap - JQuery plugin that renders Vector Maps. It uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for modern browsers with legacy support for older browsers via VML. Stowball/jQuery-rwdImageMaps - Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and window. Resize. Maplace.js - Helps to embed Google Maps into websites, quickly creating markers and controls menu for the locations on map. WhatsNearby - A jQuery plugin to list and show nearby places around a certain position using Google Maps. toner - High contrast, black-and-white map tiles, and Mapnik stylesheets, used for the Dotspotting project. Google Developers: Google Maps JavaScript API - Official documentation. Getting started, documentation, reference, showcase, support and blog. OSM Buildings - An additional layer to existing web maps. Works with LeafletJS and OpenLayers. ZenIRCBot - An IRC bot runing in Node.js or Python with Redis. Supports extensibility for services. Includes documentation, download, and information for contributors. [MIT license] Analytics.js - Integrate analytics into any web application. Sheetsee.js - Client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.
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