The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) was formerly known as the Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA). It represents over 300,000 agents, brokers, and agency employees in the USA. The organization's logo is a large letter "I", above which is an eagle, and to the right of the "I" are words "Independent Insurance Agent". The words are in three separate rows, so as to be as tall as the "I". The logo image could be registered, but the words "Independent Insurance Agent" could not be trademarked. In 2001 the group began transitioning to a brand name they could own, "Trusted Choice". The logo for this have the words (in two rows) partially surrounded by the path of an eagle circling them clockwise. The new brand is not restricted to the IIABA itself; approved carriers and related organizations may also use it.