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National Fire Protection Association - The NFPA mission is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically-based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education. Plumbing and Mechanical Code Books for Sale - Reeves Business Forms creates custom forms and provides Plumbing and Mechanical Code Books in Hard Copy and on CD to Contractors. Code Check - Online version of the popular field guide to the most common code violations for residential construction. NEC Electrical Code License Exam Answers - Electricians electrical license exam answers. NEC code test typical questions and answers class. C-West Code Consultants, Inc. - Building code consultants. links to building code organizations, building industry sites and various Municipal, State and Federal Government authorities. Construction Book Express, Inc. - Publishes and supplies a selection of books, publications, forms, videos and software for construction, design, and facility professionals. Building Codes Assistance Project - Assists states in the development and implementation of statewide building energy codes. Code Checkers, Inc. - Code compliance consultant for site plan development, permitting, renovation and maintenance in Florida. MAD CAD - A state-of-the-art subscription based reference database online, containing building codes, knowledge-based design solutions and, guidelines to meet the codes. Building Standards and Guidelines Program - A resource on national energy codes and standards. The program is guided and funded by the DOE Office of Building Technology Assistance Institute for Building Technology and Safety - Mission is to lessen the burdens of all levels of government and enhance, economic development, building regulatory efficiency and public safety in the United States. New York City Construction Permit Services - Provide New York City Building Department Construction PERMITS, Application Preparation,Tracking, Building Code Review, Permit Submittals International Code Council - Provides technical, educational, and administrative support to governmental departments and agencies engaged in building codes administration and enforcement. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Code Certification - Summary of the ADA certification submission requirements, copies of certification-related forms, and a detailed description of the certification process.
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