Business consultants are individuals or firms with expertise in business procedures, practices and policy. Organizations of all types use consultants, and these consultants examine these organizations from a broad operational perspective applying a variety of skills to achieve a specific outcome, solution, or result. Through analysis and study, consultants provide problem resolution and prevention solutions related to business operations, infrastructure, and performance. Consultants have many roles, varying from a supportive one within an existing team, to providing temporary leadership over an identified problem area, to other independent activities conducted at the request of the organization. This category has been divided into three areas to reflect the many functions and roles within the business consulting profession. The top level is divided by some of the various specialty or focus areas typical to the business consulting industry (e.g., business formation, financial, management, manufacturing, outsourcing, etc.). The second level contains a variety of industry specific subcategories (e.g., construction, energy, engineering, science and industry, security, etc.). Within the lowest level is a list of closely related "See also" categories that may contain other types of consultants. Before you submit your site please take the time to look around the category to ensure that your site is appropriate to this category. Also, be sure to review the
general guidelines for the Business categories. The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions may be considered when appropriate (for example, a site that contains valuable resources pertinent to multiple subcategories) but repeated submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated. Please, submit only to those categories most appropriate to the content of your site.