Australian Goju Kai Karate - Information about the club, business services, lessons, history of Karate and techniques. Includes booking for private or public classes, business seminars and consulting.
Goju-Ryu Karate Shu Shin Kai - Australia - Affiliated with the Kakurin-Kan GojuRyu Karatedo (Austrakia), formerly Gojukensha, and the Australian Karate Federation. Features instructor profile, articles, and related school information.
Merv Oakley Goju Karate - Australia - School teaching the Gogen Yamaguchi style. Includes history, kobudo training information, contact details, dojo locations and training times.
James Sumarac Enterprises - Teaching Goju-Ryu Karate and Chen Ming Chinese internal Kung Fu. New, events, style descriptions, and contact information are included. Located in Lancefield, Australia.
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