Pitch and Putt is an organised and independent sport developed mainly in Ireland since the 1940s. Traditionally, the holes measure up to 70 metres (with a total length of maximum 1,000 metres) and the players may only use an iron and a putter. The game is played from raised artificial teeing surfaces using a tee and it has its own handicap system. As Pitch and Putt developed in other territories, the distances and number of clubs are, in some cases, somewhat different as far as local competitions are concerned. Nevertheless for international competitions, compromise rules apply as per the Definition section – International Pitch and Putt defined. In all cases Pitch and Putt has its own handicap system and applies the Rules of the Royal & Ancient St. Andrew’s with the exceptions that are specifically approved in each country. The Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland has a comprehensive set of Pitch and Putt specific rules.