The Morab Horse is a breed that blends the pure bred Morgan with the pure bred Arabian breeds. The word MORAB was coined by William Randolph Hearst, a major political and newspaper power in the late 1800's and early 1900's. He was the first breeder of Morabs that we know of and used these highly versatile Morabs on his San Simeon Ranch, an 80,000 acre ranch on the central coast of California. The Morab inherents the Morgan's wonderful bone and sensibility combining the Arabian's refinement and tail flagging flash, and can be registered with the Morab Registry if it is only of Arabian and Morgan breeding between 25% 75% of both breeds. They can be almost any color - the traditional colors being Bay, Chestnut, Black, and Grey. Palomino, Buckskin, and Dun are also found, and are becoming very popular.