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Drill teams, originally called carousels, originated as far back as the 1800's in Vienna, performing the classical equitation of Dressage to classical music for royalty. So popular did this equestrian sport become that the most famous of riding schools, the Spanish Riding School of Vienna showcasing the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions, still performs classical dressage drills to modern audiences. Other famous drill teams include the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Shriner Mounted Troops, The Texas Ladies Aside, and the US Army Cavalry. Many local mounted Polic patrol units and state and local civilian drill teams and 4-H mounted clubs perform this exciting equestrian sport to a wide range of audiences at shows, exhibits, and events, as well as individual competition, throughout the United States. The movements today still mimic the classical steps of pas-de-deux dressage with an equestrian team that can range from 6 to 8 horses and rider, up to 20 or more.
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