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This category covers the controversies surrounding this "religion." Including links to sites opposed to Scientology with explanations as to why they are against it.
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I Write, Therefore I Am - Karin Spaink's columns and essays, many of them criticizing Scientology. In English and Dutch. Operation Clambake - Extensive news articles, analyses, and criticism of Scientology, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard. Includes personal accounts of former Scientologists, books, press kits, discussion, and links. Examining the Church of Scientology - Research resources, news and news archive covering the Church of Scientology. Scientology Lies - Reviews and refutes Scientology's claims about its founder, its members, its critics, its cost, its drug treatment program, its policies, its ethics, its beliefs, and its compatibility with traditional religions. Includes anecdotes about the site owner's harassment by Scientologists. The High Weirdness Project: An Introduction to Scientology - Wiki offering information as well as annotated links to related sites. Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard: Information Links - Critical information on various aspects of Scientology, from SIMPOS. English and Dutch versions. Christianity and Scientology--A Comparison - Examines the claim that the religious beliefs and teachings of Scientology are compatible with those of Christianity. Theism - Scientology found sadly lacking in any ability to foster true spiritual progress. Muslim perspective. The Church of Scientology - About Scientology from a Christian perspective. Argues that Scientology and Christianity are mutually exclusive, despite what the Church of Scientology may say on the topic. The Real Steve Fishman Home Page - Steven Fishman, a former Scientologist, was sued by the Church of Scientology after he revealed their securities fraud to Time magazine. His book "Lonesome Squirrel" in several formats. Newsgroup postings and links. The Rediscovery of the Human Soul by L. Ron Hubbard - A publicist asked Robert Todd Carroll to consider this book. He obliges, at considerable length. Scientology is not a religion, and not scientific, he says; it is perhaps best described as a philosophical cult. Another Day in Scientology-land - Catarina Sandström Pamnell tells about her years as a Scientologist, and why she left. Also "Xenu Illustrated," a cartoon guide to Scientology's secret levels. And a deposition by a high-ranking Scientologist about their Advanced Technology. - News on Scientology, essays, FAQs, and humor. Presented by ex-Scientologist Arnaldo Lerma. Dianetics - Robert Todd Carroll of the Skeptic's Dictionary examines the claim that Dianetics is a science. Scientology Critics' Information - Topics covered include human rights abuses, a critical examination of the religion's beliefs and practices, a guide to UK activism, and a media archive. Ex-cult Resource Center: Scientology - Archive of documents including the 'Fishman Affidavit', a review of the 'Philadelphia Doctorate Tapes', a Finn's perspective, and testimonials. Tilman Hausherr - Critical information on Scientology, including links to articles and websites. Critical Information about Scientology - By Jeff Jacobsen. Personal experience of harassment by Scientology, articles, humor, suggestions for protesting Scientology, legal documents. Contender Ministries: Scientology - Examines the beliefs and practice of Scientology from a Christian perspective. Scientology Audited - An archive of independent research and documentation on Scientology. Secrets of Scientology - Virtual library of Scientology-related materials. Refund and Reparation - Documentation related to one former member's attempts to obtain a refund from the Church of Scientology as well as Scientology-related articles, letters, and images. The Archives of Mark Plummer - "Warrior" & "Miss X" - Images, letters, newsgroup postings, and other documents from a former member. The Cult of Scientology - An overview of Scientologist beliefs, essays on Scientology as an "amoral cult" and on free speech issues, glossary of Scientologese, recommended resources. Scientology - the Cult of Eternal Litigation - An outsider to Scientology explains why the cult has aroused the wrath of netizens and drawn the interest of investigative journalism. Includes a guide to Scientologist jargon, and the wog FAQ. Le Secticide - L'anti - Scientologie - English and bilingual French-English section of a French anti-Scientology site. News articles, editorials, court transcripts, and other texts critical of the criminal cult of Scientology. Xenuphobia: An Introduction to Scientology - A critic's overview of the religion and its practices. What is Scientology... Really? - Former Scientologist, left in the early 1980s, became re-acquainted with the Church of Scientology's dirty tricks when they declared war on the Internet in the mid-90s. His story, evaluation of Scientology, links. The Lisa McPherson Trust - Exposing the abusive and deceptive practices of the Church of Scientology. Mirror of the now-defunct Lisa McPherson Trust. Ex-Scientology Kids - Women who grew up in the Church of Scientology and then left, offer support to those who have questions about Scientology. Glossary, FAQ, personal stories of young Scientologists. Scientology Critical Information Directory - Directory of information, including articles and personal accounts. Entheta - Comparison of Scientology and Anthroposophy, for those who know a little about the former but are unfamiliar with the latter. Also a summary of the Church of Scientology's war on the Internet, and a list of those gravely injured by Scientology. Scientology and Dianetics - Claims to be the world's largest online archive of the dirty secrets of Scientology. At FACTNet. Ex Scientologist - For people who are questioning their involvement in Scientology. Includes essays from former members, and a message board. Mike Rinder's Blog - A former spokesman for the church now exposes what he sees as the religion's obsession with money and its damaging policy of disconnection. Veritas - Information on Scientology and the Church of Spiritual Technology. Includes articles accusing the Church of Scientology with the commission of improper and illegal acts. Sympathetic to the Free Zone. The Wacky Cult News - A selection of news stories, book excerpts, and court records critical of Scientology. - Utilizes philosophical concepts, as well as Christian theology, to challenge the claims of Scientology practitioners. The Gerry Armstrong Chronicle - Usenet postings and photos related to Gerry Armstrong, former "official" biographer of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Uncommon Sense Media - FBI and government files on Scientology, Dianetics, and L.Ron Hubbard. Downloadable ebooks, article debunking the e-meter, and a glossary of terms used by the group. - Contains opinion articles as well as many court documents about the frauds and scams of Scientology. Moving On Up a Little Higher - Marty Rathbun's blog, offering commentary and videos. Jeremy Perkins: A Scientology Tragedy - The murder of Elli Perkins by her son Jeremy, who was later diagnosed as schizophrenic, and the claims of Scientology's role in the tragedy. Stop Scientology Disconnection - News, videos, and personal stories about disconnection, which is the practice of severing all ties between a scientologist and any family or friends who are considered adversaries. The Scientology Money Project - Shares financial and legal documents, with a goal of financial transparency of of Church of Scientology. Scientology Recovery - Help for those suffering from Scientology’s abuses and misapplications.
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