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This category contains Christian Testimonies of how God has affected their lives.
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Esther's unusual story - A handicapped girl tells of her relationship with God. In both German and English. De Wolf, Bart: True Christian Testimony and Info For Christians - An evil spirit is cast out, coincidences with world events, fire of the Lord fell in El Salvador. Neavi Isaac: Living Connections Ministry - Offers salvation and miracle testimonies from New Zealand. McCormack, Ian - Ian McCormack was diving off Mauritius when he was lethally stung. This is a story of the afterlife. Van de Paar: Our Journey with God - A personal story of how Roel and Isabella experienced their journey with God. Downey, Dan: Abiding in the Healing Word - Collection of healing testimonies, healing scriptures, poetry and praise. Holmes, Derek: How to find God - This is the true testimony of one man's search for God. Wakeup Call - A short story about not taking God's gifts for granted. Julie: Jesus is Lord - Shares one woman's personal journey of faith, including marriage and family life and experimentation with drugs. Mike: My Loves - Testimony of acceptance of salvation by faith not action. This is My Story - Testimony of being freed from alcoholism by Jesus Christ. Whitmore, Stephen: Water of Life - Computer analyst realizes that God directed the course of his life. Additional testimonies from friends. Amelia: Love in the Lord - Testimony of a friendship that will last forever. Dominguez, Sonny - Testimony from a teen set free from addiction to pornography. Rindfuss, Rev R.G.: Wealth in the Word - Testimony of an atheist who became an ordained Christian minister God's Love - Brief personal testimony and links. McDaniel, J.A.: Christian Testimonies for Jesus - A collection of Christian testimonies. Skeen, Pepper: Living in the Tree of Life - Personal testimony of salvation and how Jesus has changed a life from one of brokenness and despair to one of joy and love. Goodman Jr, Pastor Francis D: Christian Testimony - Testimony of Pastor Frank Goodman who went from being a police officer to pastor. Road to Salvation - Testimony, FAQ, and offer of free Bible. Journey of Faith - Explains how God provided for him in a thirty year journey. Reflection Of Grace - Daily entries of a young lady journaling her thoughts and experiences in her Christian walk. Thomson, Steve: Stevensworld Christian Testimony - Find out how God brought Steve closer through the gift of juggling. My Christian Walk! - Stories of encouragement and commitment to Christ. XProdigal - One man's dream reminds him of the importance of sharing his faith. Jennifer: Leaving Mormonism for the Lord - Personal testimony about leaving the Mormon church. Welty, John: Testimony, Articles, and Links of Interest - Personal testimony and articles along with links concerning faith, baptism, and today's church. Ruhf, Robert J. - A man's conversion at age 16 and the process of learning and growing that followed. A Breath of Fresh Air - Personal testimony from drugs to Jesus, with scripture references and on-line devotions. Testimony Share - Read and share testimonies about salvation, deliverance, martyrdom and other Christian topics. Doctor Mike: The "Living For God" Home Page - Sharing spiritual stories for the purpose of strengthening faith and encouragement to bear good fruit on a daily basis. Atanasov, Zarko: The Darkest Night of My Life - A testimony of suffering with cancer, receiving chemotherapy with the side effects of nightmares, hallucination, fear, anger, paranoia and madness. At last PEACE of God. McQuinn, Larry: God's Treasure Pouch - Testimony about open heart surgery and recovery. 2! A Book about Signs and Miracles from God - Coincidences of the number 2 are in this personal testimony. Poems and praises are included. Words of Testimony - Real life stories of the power of Jesus Christ working in the lives of everyday people. the-choice-is-yours - Testimonies from men and women on Death Row. McMaster, Pete: Soul Winners - Personal testimony about the deliverance from a life of drugs. Articles include Demons and Broken Chains. Christian Testimonies - Collection of personal testimonies of how coming to faith in God changes lives. Burton, Ken: Hot Pursuit - Saved from a life of violence, crime, and drugs. A fugitive for 10 years running from a 25 to 40 year prison sentence returns to face the charges after receiving the Holy Ghost. Joe Stallard - Sharing the events leading up to his heart attack and the on-going spiritual quest that ensued. Hope for the Hope Challenged - Blog for the encouragement and hope in Jesus with supplemented with poetry, short stories and photos. Conversions in India - Testimonies - A Christ-centered blog that shares experiences of several Non-Christians in India who have found Hope in Jesus. Their reason for seeking Jesus and their formative Christian experiences and personal accounts. Kodiyil, John: How I met Jesus - From Catholicism to Islam to a relationship with Jesus Christ; the search for and discovery of a living, loving God and savior. Sober Minded - Dedicated to the author's son Joe, to sober thinking and living that glorifies God. Wings of Love - A blog about personal experiences, testimonies and sharing Christian living. Allison, Neal: House of Prayer - Shares his testimony and accepts prayer requests. Guzdziol, Joe: Touched by the Hand of God - Saved and set free from alcohol and drugs, a man shares what the Lord Jesus Christ can do in a life. Marty: LongRider's Testimony - Testimony of how Jesus saved this biker from a life of drug and alcohol abuse. Testimony of US President G.W. Bush is also included. Testimony Share - Read and share Biblical and modern testimonies about salvation, deliverance, martyrdom and other Christian topics. Serious Things - Personal witnessing of God's signs, wonders, answered prayers, and teachings. Changed Lives - True testimonies of real people whose lives have been radically, wonderfully and permanently changed by Jesus Christ. These stories are shared in the categories of abuse, addictions, emotional and physical healing, miscellaneous. Outpoured | My Mighty King - This personal blog is a collection of journal entries of what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will be doing. Nick's Sanctuary - Nick Payne is a Christian living and worshipping in central England. His website is an ongoing personal testimony that wrestles with faith, the news, relationships and the media. Grubb, Fran - At nine years old Fran was kidnapped from an orphanage in South Carolina by an escaped convicted child molester. Her seven year ordeal offers hope to those who have suffered similar experiences. By Fran's testimony she shows that healing is possible. My vision/nde of hell and convicting life-review - Christian testimony, which started in 2008 with a near-death-experience in the form of a six hour vision of hellish scenes followed by a life-review. Switchbacks - This site is a Christian discipleship and teaching blog with the purpose of encouraging believers to a deeper commitment to love, obey and follow Jesus Christ. God's Messy Child - Archived blog with testimonies of the day to day time spent with Jesus Christ. Jeanine, Jessie: A survivor inspired by the tragedies and triumphs of life. - Sharing works of poetry, small articles, and life accounts with Jesus Christ. Timothy Gopagani - Ramakrishna is a Hindu born man who got lost in family debt before Jesus Christ came into his life. Testimony can be read in English, Hindi, German and Spanish. Love Made Known - A collection of Christian testimonies portraying the work that Jesus continues to do in the lives of ordinary people. Christian Testimonies - Stories - Read personal Christian testimonies of faith, hope, healing, salvation, miracles, marriage restoration. Share stories.
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