Taking the Deadlock Out of Wedlock - By Robert J. Wieland. Presents marriage in the light of the gospel. PDF format.
Three Messages of Revelation 14, by J.N. Andrews - Three Messages of Revelation 14:6-12 by J.N. Andrews (1860). Study of what the symbols mean, with emphasis on the two-horned beast.
Testimonies to the Church - The first 13 Testimonies God gave Ellen White to write out especially for the saints' benefit are available. They were published in small pamphlet form, and then the first 10 were assembled together in one book, while the others were published separately. (1855-1877)
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, by Ellen White - To the poor in spirit, the meek, the lowly, the sorrowful, the despised, the persecuted, Jesus opens his arms of refuge, saying, "Come unto me. . . and I will give you rest." (1955)
The Time of the End by George McCready Price (1967) - New insights into prophetic interpretation are given to begin to point up the significance of world-embracing movements which have hitherto found little place in the expository positions of Seventh-day Adventists.
The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America (1891) - Author A.T. Jones shows how the Roman government mixed the civil with religious aspects, while the government of the USA holds that the religious aspects should be completely separate from civil government.
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