The Impending Conflict - Selected chapters from "The Great Controversy" by Ellen White.
Individuality in Religion by A. T. Jones - Describes the case against obeying a Sunday law, saying that it is a religious law, and therefore not from God or from Caesar (1888).
An Innovative Approach to Holy History - The statutes God gave to the ancient Israelites, including the feast days, are shown by this retired SDA evangelist to be full of instruction for us, and that they are still binding on God's children today.
Is the Virgin Mary Alive or Dead? by Danny Vierra - Growing up Catholic, the writer explains his search for the truth regarding Mary and the Marian Apparitions.
Inquisitive Christians - H. H. Meyers gives the history of Sabbath-keeping Christians in India, and how they were suppressed by the Roman Catholic church.
The Itinerary of a breakfast : John Harvey Kellogg (1919) - An account of the travels of a breakfast through the food tube and of the ten gates and several stations through which it passes, also of the obstacles which it sometimes meets. Written by the medical director of Battle Creek Sanitarium
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