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Central Carolina Presbytery - Information on churches and mission of the presbytery, consisting of 42 local churches in piedmont North Carolina. Westminster Presbytery PCA - Bristol, Virginia. Shares a list of churches, directory of staff and clergy, announcements of upcoming meetings and activities. Blue Ridge Presbytery - Presbytery for the central part of Virginia offers a church finder, a calendar of committee meetings and other events, and announcements. Chicago Metro Presbytery - Shares links to its churches, notice of upcoming events and meetings, material on missions. Naperville, IL Covenant Presbytery - Committee news, meeting reports, links to member churches in this Arkansas and Mississippi based presbytery. Eastern Canada Presbytery - Lists member churches, provides contact details for presbytery leadership. Eastern Carolina Presbytery - Shows member churches, announces upcoming meetings and events. Evangel Presbytery - This Alabama presbytery announces upcoming meetings and events and shares a church list, sermons, resources. Gulf Coast Presbytery - The second oldest presbytery shares a church directory, notice of upcoming meetings and events, belief statements. Also shares documents necessary to member churches. James River Presbytery - Presbytery covering Central Virginia and parts of North Carolina shares a church directory, presbytery and denominational news, resources for member churches. Richmond, VA. Nashville Presbytery - Shares a list of member churches, resources and documents useful to PCA churches, and a schedule of upcoming committee and presbytery meetings. Franklin, TN. Mississippi Valley Presbytery - Repository of Presbytery documents, meeting schedules, PCA links, and listings of member churches. Chesapeake Presbytery - Church directory and profiles for the Maryland-based presbytery. PCA Presbyteries - Descriptions of and links to all the presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America, offered by the PCA Administrative Committee. Calvary Presbytery - Covering parts of South Carolina. Lists member churches. Iowa Presbytery - Member churches, links and resources. New Jersey Presbytery - Lists member churches, shares committee news. North Texas Presbytery - Lists churches, members of standing committees, and gives notice of upcoming meetings. Northern New England Presbytery - Covering Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Lists member churches, provides contact details for presbytery leaders, material on missions. Northwest Georgia Presbytery - Offers lists of member churches, pastors, clerks of session and details upcoming meetings and events. Ohio Presbytery - List of member churches, forms for pastoral candidates, news. Ohio Valley Presbytery - Has list of churches, material for pastor candidates committees. Palmetto Presbytery - Serves most of coastal and central South Carolina. Lists committees and their members, provides forms for candidates and for churches. Philadelphia Presbytery - Lists member churches, offers a calendar of meetings and events, provides a history of the presbytery. Philadelphia Metro West Presbytery - Has a list of member churches and a church finder, details of committees. Pittsburgh Presbytery - Lists member churches, provides forms for pastor applicants. Platte Valley Presbytery - Serves parts of Nebraska. Lists member churches, offers links to documents explaining the denomination and its beliefs. Potomac Presbytery - Contact details, list of resources. Providence Presbytery - Has material for pastoral candidates, list of member churches. Rocky Mountain Presbytery - Serves Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Lists member churches, announces upcoming meetings. Savannah River Presbytery - Lists churches, pastors, shares photos and by-laws, describes committee business. Southeast Alabama Presbytery - Contact details, list of member churches and pastors, announcements of upcoming meetings. Southern New England Presbytery - Contact details, list of ministries. Southwest Presbytery - Serves Arizona, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas. Lists member churches. Southwest Florida Presbytery - Committee information, notes on meetings, list of member churches. Suncoast Florida Presbytery - Serves areas south of Tampa. Lists member churches, describes committees, offers contact details. Fellowship Presbytery - Serving portions of South Carolina, largely the Piedmont. Lists member churches, committees, provides contact details.
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