Find sites for groups that believe that Yeshua is Messiah and are Torah observant, but are differentiated from Messianic Judaism, in that they believe in the Two Houses of Israel teaching, which says that most Gentile believers in Jesus (Yeshua or Yahshua) are descended from the northern kingdom of Israel. These are also known as Nazarene Israel. Many but not all promote the use of the Sacred Name, (Yahweh and Yahshua, or some variation of selling). They believe that to become part of Israel, you must simply believe in Yahshua and claim Israel as your people. Some believe that Circumcision is for becoming Circumcised Israel, as opposed to uncircumcised Israel, while others believe that circumcision is used to become Jewish. Circumcision is encouraged as natural later step for all believers after studying the Torah. This category is for congregations and ministries that promote a Messianic Israel form of worship or teachings. Biblical principles are espoused with particular emphasis on the Law of Moses pertaining to all Peoples and observance of that Law in daily life and practice.