The Christian Church in western Europe during the early 1500's underwent a reformation. The leading exponent of the reformation was
Martin Luther. The reformation movement ultimately lead to a complete split between the reformers and the Roman Catholic Church. Those who joined the reformers were later called Protestants as they protested the authority over the Church maintained by the Pope. Those who follow the theology of Martin Luther, the Augsburg Confession and the Book of Concord are called Lutherans. Protestantism as a whole has fractured into many denominations. Those claiming the mantle of Luther have not avoided divisions over doctrinal questions and as a consequence there are a significant number of Lutheran Denominations. Lutheranism has been the predominant denomination in Northern Germany, and Scandinavia where it is the established (state) church. Lutheran denominations are also prominent in North America.
The Lutheran Church began with an emphasis on literacy, scholarship, music, and liturgical worship that continues to this day.