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Category Description for Bible/Commentaries

The Bible was written long ago, over the course of many centuries. The customs and languages and history it contains can be unfamiliar or even strange to the modern reader. Commentaries attempt to bridge this knowledge gap. Commentaries explain the meaning of the text of the Bible, and are typically organized by book, chapter, and verse.

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Calvin's Commentaries - The complete commentaries of French reformer and theologian, John Calvin (1509-1564). Calvin Translation Society edition. Marsh Bible Commentary - Original material by John Marsh, indexed by book, chapter, verse. Also Bible studies, quiet time and sermon notes. Sonic Light: Dr. Constable's Bible Study Notes - Detailed, conservative commentary includes issues of special introduction: authenticity, historical background, authorship, date. Engages current scholarship. (PDF, Palm, Pocket PC formats). The Bible Oasis - Features analysis by section for most books. Interacts with current scholarship, elaborates themes and difficult passages. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible - Indexed by book and chapter. Christians Unite: Bible Commentaries - John Darby, Geneva Study Bible, Matthew Henry, B. W. Johnson, Jamieson-Faussett-Brown, John Wesley. Indexed by commentator, then book and chapter. - Summary, outline and devotional exposition on selected Old and New Testament books (PDF). Saved by Grace: Bible Commentaries - By Dennis Wheeler. Daniel, Esther, Mark, Acts, Galatians, Philemon, Titus, and Revelation. Additional topical studies. Bible Commentaries - Book introductions, narrative style commentary, and personal application. Friends of the Nazarene: Nazarene Commentary - Brief comments on the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament. Friday Study Ministries: In-Depth Bible Studies - Selected Old and New Testament commentaries. The Gospel of John explained for children and Romans explained for a youth audience. Enduring Word Media: Bible Study Resources by David Guzik - The pastor of Calvary Chapel of Simi Valley explains Bible passages with online commentary (some mp3 audio). Free Bible Commentary - Exegetical commentaries by Dr. Bob Utley, a retired Professor of Hermeneutics. Written in study guide format with questions for individual study or group discussion. Post Tenebras Lux - Bible exposition from an historic, Reformed perspective. Covenant theology and some sermons. MP3 and PDF formats. Catholic Culture: The Most Theological Collection - Roman Catholic scholar provides introduction and chapter commentary on various books of the Bible. Topical articles. Online Library - Downloadable theology books (PDF) including commentaries on Malachi, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First Peter, and the Sermon on the Mount. Bible Study Tools: Commentaries - John Darby, Geneva Study Bible, John Gill, Matthew Henry, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown, A. T. Robertson, Scofield, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley; Fourfold Gospel (single-column harmony of the Gospels). Classic Bible Commentaries - John Darby, Geneva Study Bible, John Gill, Jamieson-Faussett-Brown, B.W. Johnson, John Lightfoot, John Wesley. Charles Spurgeon's Treasury of David (Psalms exposition). Provides large print versions of each. Indexed by book and chapter. The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation - By Seventh-day Adventist Uriah Smith. The Kretzmann Project - Online version of The Popular Commentary of the Bible by Paul E. Kretzmann. This series dates from the 1920s and is from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition. - Based the Douay-Rheims Bible text. Originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). Jonathan's Corner: The Commentary - A tale of the shortcomings and hazards of Bible commentaries. Bible Commentaries - Includes commentary notes by verse in parallel with several popular Bible translations for easy comparasion. Blue Letter Bible: Chuck Smith Commentaries - Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Daniel, and most of the New Testament.
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