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This category is for sites which teach in some purposeful way the message of the Bible or a portion of it.

Most sites offer studies online, others provide them in different ways including e-mail, snail mail, audio, or video.

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Bibel Center - [English, German] Bible articles from a non-trinitarian perspective. - Answers to common Bible questions, and e-mail newsletter, by Gary Panell. Mysteries of the Bible - Includes articles on subjects including Torah codes, ancient chronology, lost tribes, Dead Sea Scrolls, origins of Christianity, Egyptology, and biblical archaeology. - Short topical articles and commentary on Bible and doctrine. Forum with an emphasis on Bible questions and study. Bible Marking - Suggests methods of chaining Bible verses together according to key Bible themes. Example studies include: knowing God, salvation, obedience, and the cross. 1 in Faith: A Christian Bible Study - A guide to Bible study according to the principles of the Reformed tradition by Robert Traer. Skeptical Inquirer, November 1997: Hidden Messages and The Bible Code - Article exposing statistical fallacies in the "Torah Code" literature. A Love I Could Not Deny - Topical Bible study outlines; teen and kids sections. Cyberspace Ministry - Illustrated Bible courses and software games for all the family. A Quick Bible Quiz - Bible studies by book and topic. Bible e-books and resources to make them. Some Bible e-books and study materials offered for sale. Acts 17:11 Bible Studies - Doctrine, topics, and issues. Study methods and group leadership suggestions. Across the Rainbow Bridge - Bible studies dealing with the return of Jesus Christ and other helpful topics. Also has links to Christian graphics and MIDI files. Plays MIDI without asking, and no way to turn it off. What Saith the Scripture - Overview of the rapture and events of the tribulation. Includes prophecy, poetry, extensive library of online books, Alexander Scourby via Live Audio, stories, and links. Never Thirsty - Book studies include the gospels, Daniel, Hebrews, and Revelation. Also topics: angels, baptism, cloning, God's will, life of Christ, and women in the church. Bible questions and answers, historical evidence for Jesus, and fulfilled prophecies. Biblical Studies - Doctrinal and topical articles covering eschatology, hermeneutics, soteriology, theology, and ecclesiology. Recommended books and directory of resources. What Saith the Scriptures - Topical studies and articles: grace, the rapture, discipleship, and Islam. ROGMA International, Inc. - Offering online Bible courses: Great Doctrines of the Bible, Ephesians, and Romans. Exams and grading available to those who register (free). Online Bible Studies and Sermons - Studies, sermons, and charts provided by Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, Florida. Ichthys Bible Study for Spiritual Growth - Original lesson series using the author's Greek and Hebrew translations. Subjects include Peter's epistles, essential doctrines, Satan's rebellion, and hardening Pharaoh's heart. - Conservative Christian Bible study site, offering informative articles, sermons, study outlines, and links to other Christian resources. Bible Writer - Bible-based lessons on the transformed life, studies in the Book of Revelation, understanding prayer, knowing God through personal devotions, and a survey of the basic truths of Scripture. Biblenotes - The entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, very briefly summarized. Short introductions to each book, an index of key people, themes, and events. Jesus Is All - Weekly Sunday School lessons online or by email. Trivia quiz, chat room. Don Love Ministries - Studies about the last days from Matthew, themes from Mark, and a detailed study of the Book of Revelation. Online songs by Singers of the Heart [ASX and RAM formats]. Whole Wheat International: Bible Study Site - Understanding God's message, Bible background information, study tips, and a long list of short devotional articles. - Dozens of topical studies, end times studies, the parables of Jesus, and Bible trivia quizzes. Right Division - Dispensational audio Bible lessons (MP3, RealAudio). Articles and charts explaining this method of interpreting the Bible. J. Reed's Christian Expositions - Retired geography teacher shares studies by book and topic. Inspirational stories. The Bible: It's All about Jesus - Overview of Bible themes, character studies, and some book surveys. Worldnet Grace Ministries - Series examining the New Testament concept of grace, God's act of creation, and selections from Ruth, Esther, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Matthew. Frames of Reference - Studies the relationship between science and the Bible. The Lord's Words - An explanation of the parables and words of Jesus Christ. Topics range from the parable of the sower to the prodigal son. David and Jonathan - Free online Bible lessons for children, teens, and adults. Registered users can save lesson progress and submit test answers for evaluation. CrossMarks Christian Resources - Collection of Bible studies suitable for personal or small group use. Topics include: Genesis, Mark, the Lord's Prayer, parables, Philippians, 1 Peter, and Revelation. About Him Ministries - Christ centered scripture studies and essays to glorify the Lord. Also Christian missions, book review and humor. Bible Help Online - Downloadable study guides (PDF): Finding out about Christ, Starting out as a Christian, and the Gospel in Romans. Tips on leading group or individual studies. 2 Pi Info: The Bible - Articles including God and creation, God's plan as revealed in the Bible, and the meaning of the resurrection. Living Word Bible Church: Bible Studies - Topical and book studies covering the Old and New Testaments. A short prose survey of the books of the Bible and their themes. Neely Ranch: Bible Study - Daily study series through books of the Bible. Bible Studies at the Moorings - Ed Rickard's studies (in lesson form) on apologetics, doctrine, prophecy, and the Christian life. Jesus Plus Nothing - Centrality of Jesus in the Christian life. Studies include Christ in the Old Testament, lives of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David, eternal security, spiritual warfare in Nehemiah, and the book of Ruth. Use the Sword - Ongoing weekly study, daily devotions, and downloadable archives. Bible Study Fellowship International - Interdenominational organization with classes in cities across the United States and throughout the world. Site includes directory of current classes. The Ancient Path - Book outlines and lessons, study tips. Kingfisher Postal Bible School - Offers Bible study courses via post for people of all ages. Bible Revelations - Includes studies on topics like Sacred Name, Biblical Feasts, baptism, and Jerusalem Countdown to Armageddon. - Brief survey of Bible doctrines, and topics, and most books accompanied by King James Version text. Last Call Ministries - Short topical articles. Personal testimony. Open Bible Trust - A non-denominational publisher of resources which include a bi-monthly magazine search, study booklets, books, and audio-cassettes. Christian Bible Study and Games - Topical and doctrinal studies, Bible trivia, word search, and crossword puzzle games. Bible Teaching Notes - Comments by book and chapter, how-to guides for study and memorization. Includes a chart for the Jewish calendar. Bible Studies 2000 - A collection of studies of the events of our times. Boston Christian Bible Study Resources - Small group study guides by book, a Bible survey, articles on doctrine, apologetics, and salvation. Bible Research - Explores the Kingdom (Government) of God and other prophecy in the scriptures. The Season - Introductions to the books of the Bible, topical studies, archaeology links, and discussion forum. Becoming Closer Adult Bible Fellowship: Meat of the Matter - Original studies by book and topic, from Sunday school classes taught at Eastside Christian Church. Sonic Light - The Good News explained. Audio Bible studies (MP3) and downloadable Bible commentaries (PDF) by Thomas Constable. The Bible Study Page - Book and topical study outlines and sermon outlines. Lessons for Christian ladies. Eye of the Needle - Study of the Bible's structure, numerics, and cohesion. Bible Study Lessons - Courses entitled Mark, Acts, Jesus is Lord, and Following Jesus. Online or by e-mail. - Bible studies, devotions, short stories, and study tools. Thy Word Is Truth - Study notes and sermons by book and topic from classes taught at the Katy church of Christ. The Olive Branch - Topical and word studies, poems, and prayers. A series of studies for women. Truth Chasers - Bible study materials by Johnny Felker including study guides, articles, and sermons (PDF), and a tour of Bible related artifacts in the British Museum (PowerPoint). Staying in the Word - Short studies of doctrines, topics, and several of Paul's letters. Pursuing the Eternal Word - Collection of studies by John Liffler including the sermon on the mount, the feasts of Israel, and issues of Christian living. - Eight simple rules for studying the Bible, how to buy a Bible, Bible study notes online (HTML, PDF) and by e-mail from John Karmelich. Modern Papyrus - Bible studies and devotions, lists of Jesus' sermons, parables, and miracles. Free graphics and recommended resources. Shamah-Elim Bible Studies - Articles with an emphasis on living in obedience to God's Kingdom and the coming revival. - Questions and answers on Bible topics. Search by book, verse, or topic. Unique Bible Study - Series of lessons and interactive tests. InterVarsity Press: Quiet Time Bible Study - Daily online Bible studies from the NIV version. Abraham's Walk - Weblog on Bible passages and topics. The Whole Truth - Articles by Wendell Tenison tackling controversial topics including Sabbath observance, Holy Spirit baptism, fivefold creation, and tongues. Critical Issues Commentary - Essays on Biblical and theological issues. Bimonthly newsletter. God's Word for You - Studies by book and topic featuring worksheets to facilitate further thought and discussion. Love's Ark - Encouragement for Christian living and prayer through Bible-based articles and studies. Bible reading plan. New Living Translation: Bible Studies - Articles on how to study and getting started. Online guides and questions for selected books. - Collection of studies covering the basics of Christian doctrine, growth, and contemporary issues. PDF format. Bible Study Courses - Large collection of studies by topic and book. The Gospel Way - Free Bible study lessons, spiritual guidance, and instruction in religion. - Conservative studies by book and topic. Poetry and devotions. Bible Answers - Collection of Bible articles, questions and answers, and Bible studies by characters and topic. Spiritual Foundations - On-line books of Bible studies for Galatians and Matthew, and topics like Jesus Christ, Christian life, the Church, and the last days. Faith Mountain - Articles and studies by topic, doctrine, and book. Interactive lessons for beginners, answers to tough questions for skeptics. Divine Viewpoint - Studies, outlines of doctrines covering many categories of Scripture including marriage, salvation, and spirituality. Time for the Bible - Features a weekly Bible lesson archive [MP3, PDF], study guides, and topical articles from Rev. Art McDonald. - Downloadable Bible teaching audio files (mp3) with lesson outlines (PDF), and online lessons with interactive questions and answers. Studiying the Word of God - Theology, doctrinal and topical articles and Bible studies. The Journal of Biblical Accuracy - A non-denominational Christian Bible study magazine whose aim is to teach the Word of God. Produced by Anastasios Kioulachoglou. Creative Bible Study - Bible study lessons for all ages. Teaching tips and resources for creating interesting lessons. Bible Stories for Adults - Studies of the great stories of the Bible, includes class handouts, notes, and reading assignments. The Bible Study Podcast - A podcast (mp3) that studies what Bible says and how to understand it, by Chris Christensen. 5 Minute Bible - An audio Bible blog by Tim Bulkeley, available as podcasts. Mom's Bible Journal - Extensive collection of Bible journal notes by book and topic. Swap Meet Dave: Bible Studies and Christian Resources - Studies of Daniel, First Corinthians, Galatians, and James with leader guides and handouts. Also topical studies including integrity, loyalty, and resolving conflicts. Bible Lesson Connection - Online bible study courses, inspirational readings and articles, and forum. Michael Graham Ministries - A commentary on part of Mark's Gospel and articles on prayer, money, the fear of God and other subjects. - An introduction to studying the Bible together with collections of studies by topic or for women or men. Bible Issues - Articles answering some basic questions about the Bible, Old Testament justice, and salvation. The Robe - A public journal of personal Bible studies. Bible SEO - Study guides in question and answer format. Tips for leading a study. Never Ending Word - Teachings and study aids to help students study the Bible. H.E.A.R.T. Ministry - Ministry to help pastors and local churches with discipleship, soul winning, evangelism, and Bible studies. Includes beliefs, testimonials and contact information. - Articles by topic and Bible passage, many on the end times. Bible Study Tools from Xenos - A collection of Bible study tools including exegetical outlines, topical outlines, practical theology notes, mp3 files. [English, Spanish] Becoming Closer - Original studies by book and topic, from Sunday school classes taught at Eastside Christian Church. Apokalupsis Now - Studies in the Book of Revelation, the rapture, salvation, baptism, and Calvinism. Bible Study Course: Teaching Pages - An 18 chapter study titled High Im pact Christianity. Bible Study of the Week - Includes a weekly study as well as a collection of topical studies. Bible4Today - Writings, study notes, and daily Bible-based recordings by the Reverend Frank Cooke, making the Bible plain to ordinary people. The Essential Bible Blog - Encouragement and tips for Bible reading and study presented by Scripture Union/USA president Whitney T. Kuniholm. The Brown Bible - A blog dedicated to researching the Word of God. Includes topical articles, questions and answers, and a newsletter. Understanding the Bible - Explanations of the Bible, the Christian faith and the Gospel: with overviews, Bible studies, doctrine, resources, application, links, and sermons. Christian Bible Reference Site - Summary of Jesus' teachings, Biblical wisdom explained, quizzes and puzzles, personal answers to Bible questions. Daily Bread Online - Daily Bible passage studies and forum, PDA downloads in several formats. How to Study the Bible: For Beginners - How to get started, practice examples in the Gospel of John, and recommended books. Scripture Awakening - Nondenominational Bible reading curriculum designed to help participants read the Bible in 90 days also group and individual Bible studies and resources for Bible living.
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