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Readings in Theravada Buddhism - Over 700 translated discourses by the Buddha. The Lotus Sutra - Translated By H. Kern (1884). The Gospel of Buddha - A 19th century compilation from a variety of Buddhist texts by Paul Carus. It is modelled on the New Testament. It was very widely read, and was even recommended by Ceylonese Buddhist leaders as a teaching tool for Buddhist children. Culasunnata Sutta - On Voidness (sunyata) - the quintessence of Buddhism. Buddha's First Sermon - A reconstruction of Buddha's first sermon. Composed at least several centuries after Siddhartha Gautama's death, contains the essence of what the Buddha taught his earliest disciples. Buddha's Sermons and Teachings - A version of Buddha's first sermon and a discussion of the nature of Nirvana. Quotes from the Masters - A collection of quotes from various sutras. Indexed by author. Lotus of the True Dharma - A sacred text of Mahayana Buddhism on the subject of the true nature of the Buddha. The Anattalakkhana Sutta - A document from the Pali canon of Buddhist scriptures in which Buddha speaks on not-self characteristic. Householder Sutta Page - Provides links of various Suttas on the internet. Anattalakkhana Sutta - The Sermon on the Not-Self Characteristic. The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law - This is the complete text in English as translated by H. Kern in 1884. Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra - Transalation presented in the form of a seemingly mythic dialogue between the Buddha and Kishitigarbha. Includes historical introduction, the text and a glossary. Dhammapada - Full English translations of the Dhammapada. Lankavatara Sutra - Excerpts from the Lankavatara Sutra. Upajjhatthana Sutta - Subjects for Contemplation. Maha-Nidana Sutta - The Great Causes Discourse. Sigalovada Sutta - The Discourse to Sigala -- The Layperson's Code of Discipline. Sallekha Sutta - The Discourse on Effacement. Cula-Vedalla Sutta - The Shorter Set of Questions-and-Answers. Anapanasati Sutta - Sutra on mindfulness of breathing. Bhumija Sutta - The discourse to Bhumija. Ananda Sutta - To Ananda (on Mindfulness of Breathing). Dighavu-kumara Vatthu - The Story of Prince Dighavu. Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Samaññaphala Sutta - The Fruits of the Contemplative Life Sutra. This discourse is one of the masterpieces of the Pali Canon. Maha-Satipatthana Sutta - The Great Frames of Reference Sutra. Sabbasava Sutta - Sutra on All the Fermentations (thoughts that arise in mind). Sunakkhatta Sutta - The discourse to Sunakkhatta on craving. Kayagata-sati Sutta - Sutra on Mindfulness immersing in the body. Adittapariyaya Sutta - The Fire Sermon. Cula-Kammavibhanga Sutta - Buddhist text on how Action differentiates beings in terms of baseness and excellence. Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta - Setting Rolling the Wheel of Truth. Maha-Parinibbana Sutta - Sutra on the Last Days of the Buddha. This sutra gives a good summary of the Buddha's Teachings. Sammaditthi Sutta - The Discourse on Right View Maha-Cattarisaka Sutta - "The Great Forty" - a discourse on Right View. Samyutta Nikaya - The third division of the Sutta Pitaka, contains 2,889 suttas grouped into five sections (vaggas). Kaccayanagotta Sutta - The sutra on right view. Hiri Sutta - A sutra from the Sutta Nipata, discussing definition of friendship. Rathakara Sutta (Pacetana Sutta) - The Chariot Maker - Buddha's parable about the straightness of wheels as corresponding to the straightness of practice. Cula-Suññata Sutta - The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness. Cula-Malunkyovada Sutta - The Shorter Instructions to Malunkya regarding the cosmos. Cunda Kammaraputta Sutta - Buddha's teaching about ways in which one is made impure by verbal or mental actions. Dhammapada [Gutenberg] - A collection of verses; being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists. Shurangama Sutra - Text, commentaries and articles on content of the sutra and its historical background.
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