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Was the Buddha the First Humanist? - The Buddha's concept of Abidhamma appears as a supremely naturalistic and psychological one. It refers to the representation within the human mind of the external order of things and events. It is the logical system for organizing and interpreting experience that is constructed by human mental capacities during the process of experiencing external phenomena: the instrument that regulates the mind. Buddhist Psychology - Essay on the history of Buddhist Psychology. Meditation and Personal Construct Psychology - This essay provides a useful introduction to both Buddhist thinking in relation to brain and behavior, and to a branch of western psychology. Why Meditation isn't Psychotherapy - Essay by Patrick Kearney regarding the confusion between Buddhist meditation and modern psychotherapy. Buddhist psychology: A review of theory and practice - This survey is confined to the texts of Theravada Buddhism. ToDo Institute - Alternative methods of mental health such as Morita Therapy and Naikan from Japan. These methods are rooted in Eastern philosophy and applied to life in contemporary Western society. Zen and Western Psychotherapy: Nirvanic Transcendence and Samsaric Fixation - An argument that both the ends and the means of Buddhist practice far exceed the limitations of Western psychotherapy in its dominant forms. This claim is substantiated by examining the underlying views of human nature in the broader context of cosmic Nature, as these reflect the assumed nature of the therapeutic task. As Zen Replaces the Id - Psychology and Zen Buddhism - Includes resources concerning Buddhism and its application to Psychology. Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology - Scientific, spiritual and social exploration on meditation and its impact on Westerners. Zen Dynamics - Offers a personality test and meditation subjects based on Chinese elements and Buddhist psychological theory. Towards a Buddhist Psychotherapy - An effort at showing the relevance of Buddhism to western psychotherapy, especially existential therapy.
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