Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. "I devote myself to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus-Flower Sutra." This simple message was uttered by Nichidatsu Fuji for the better part of a century. Born in Japan in 1885, he became a modern-day Votary of the Lotus Sutra, the likes of whom had not been seen for centuries. In the last decades of his life, he focused his energies on promoting world peace by conducting or sponsoring extended peace marches chanting the Odaimoku of Nichiren, "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo," and by constructing great white Peace Pagodas throughout the world. Some 50 of these "peace pagodas" were built (hence the English name). This category exists for those sites that are affiliated with the peace pagoda movement and espouse the views of this school of Nichiren Buddhism.