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Organizations and associations related to philosophy.
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Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA) - Professional society for teachers and students of philosophy in Canada. The CPA Bulletin, the journal Dialogue, and online forums to facilitate communication among philosophers. Limerick Philosophical Society - Information on forthcoming lectures, and lists of previous society lectures. Links to other philosophy sites. The Biosophical Institute - Promotes Biosophy, the science and art of intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony. Dallas Philosopher's Forum - The Dallas Philosopher's Forum is a lecture series, located in the Dallas (Texas) Metroplex, dedicated to bringing philosophy to an interested and educated audience. Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs - An independent nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to research and education at the nexus of ethics and international affairs. Site provides articles, transcripts and conference reports on the ethical dimensions of different aspects in international affairs. Individualist Research Foundation - Promotes research and publication among students of the struggle between individualism and collectivism. Society for Exact Philosophy (SEP) - Meets annually, alternating between Canada and the U.S., to provide sustained discussion among researchers who believe that rigorous methods have a place in philosophical investigations. Center for the Study of the Great Ideas - Founded by Mortimer Adler and Max Weismann. Dedicated to the proposition that "Philosophy is everybody's business." Self-Discovery Portal - Multi-site portal to Philosophical Self-Inquiry Discussion Group and information on systems of maximum self-realization including Advaita Vedanta, the Albigen System, Ch'an, Taoism and Zen. Hun School Philosophy Club - Philosophy discussion group at a secondary school in Princeton, New Jersey. Background, upcoming topics, and selected links. Philosophical Society - Offers short essays on various social and philosophical subjects. Includes a reference library and 'Bon Mot' selection of quotes. Blackheath Philosophy Forum - Regular public discussion forums on a wide range of philosophical topics including metaphysics, epistemology, moral and political philosophy. Institute for Axiological Research / Institut für Axiologische Forschungen - Axiology - philosophical and interdisciplinary Value Inquiry with following priorities: 1) classical and contemporary theories on values, 2) values in sex-gender context, 3) hermeneutics of religion and culture, 4) actual transformations: identity, democracy, globalisation and justice, 5) praxis and values. The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics (CSSPE) - English language web site of Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éthique appliquée (SCEEA); provides society news and history, membership information, and meeting notices. New Acropolis - New Acropolis Cultural Association is a non-profit organization whose mission is to revive Philosophy in the Classical Tradition. Scottish Postgraduate Philosophy Association (SPPA) - Organizes graduate conferences at Scottish Universities and facilitates communication between philosophy postgraduate students in Scotland. Living Philosophy - Exploring the ways philosophy can be used in everyday life to dispel illusion, make life more meaningful and help each of us on the planet become more thoughtful. Australasian Association of Philosophy - Professional organization of academic philosophers in Australia and New Zealand. Runs conferences, offers an annual prize for philosophy published in the popular media, and edits the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Society for Philosophical Inquiry - Dedicated to dusting off and resuscitating philosophical inquiry, wresting philosophy from the confines of academia and giving it back to the people. Philosophy For All - London-based group which aims to bridge the gap between academic philosophers and the general public. Hosts public lectures, debates, philosophical walks, film evenings and the monthly Kant's Cave talks. Philosopher's Information Center - Nonprofit organization dedicated to serving philosophers. Publisher of The Philosopher's Index, a current, comprehensive subject-and-author index to philosophy articles, books, anthologies, and contributions to anthologies. Lonergan Philosophical Society - Center at Loyola Marymount University, dedicated to the study of the work of Bernard Lonergan. Guide to Philosophy on the Internet: Associations, by Peter Suber - A comprehensive collection of online philosophy resources. Well-organized, easy to navigate, regularly updated. UNESCO: Philosophy at UNESCO - UNESCO pursues its work in the field of intercultural philosophy, including studies of cultural difference and cultural dialogue, and publications bringing together an arrays of views on philosophical and ethical themes. The Virginia Philosophical Association (VPA) - Holds annual meetings to promote philosophy and philosophical discussion among faculty or graduate students in philosophy or those with equivalent competence. International Association for Critical Realism - The IACR was established in 1997 with the basic objective of serving as a networking and facilitating resource for anyone broadly sympathetic to, or concerned with, realist philosophy and social theory.
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