This category provides links to information on postmodern philosophy and critical theory, from basic introductions to complex academic work. Alongside sites with information on specific theorists and complex philosophical ideas, it contains links to the lighter side of postmodernism. Sites are usually quite general, offering definitions of postmodernism, links to related resources or a variety of articles. Related categories include Religion - dealing with how the Christian church relates to postmodern culture; and Art - covering postmodernism in contemporary art. Postmodernism is difficult to define and encompasses a number of philosophical ideas. In general, it is the rejection of ‘meta narratives’ or big theories. Rather than being the next thing in line to ‘modernism’ it rejects linear timelines and the need to constantly create something new. Postmodernism jumbles all that has gone before together in a ‘collage’ effect. Whereas modernism deals with the autonomous individual working towards an ordered world, postmodermism embraces a notion of a chaotic, anonymous experience in which distinctions disappear. The postmodern mantra is ‘think globally, act locally’.